Renaissance and Reformation is a highly visual look at the people, events, scientific advances, and religous, literary, artisitc, and architectural achievements in European and wolrd history from 1300 to 1700.
Science Direct is Elsevier's leading information solution for researchers. It combines abstracts, full-text scientific, technical and health publications.
Sex and Society contains over 250 articles on relationships, parenting, social and cultural issues, health and making personal choices.
Source Reference (formerly Credo)promotes knowledge building, problem solving and critical thinking to give people the information skills necessary for success throughout their academic, professional and personal lives.
Supreme Court Milestonesis a resource that examines some of the most momentous cases in Supreme Court history.
SWANKis a collection of over 200 Hollywood movies for you to use for your class. To log in click on the name and then log in using your full school e-mail and password. You will be brought to a collection of apps. Click on the one called SWANk and you will be brought into to database.