Modern World History offers a comprehensive look at world history from the mid-15th century to the present. Thousands of subject entries, biographies, images, videos and slideshows, maps and graphs, primary sources, and timelines combine to provide a detailed and comparative view of the people, places, events, and ideas that have defined modern world history.
Newsday is THE daily newspaper of Long Island. Look here for local news.
Noodletools is a suite of interactive tools designed to aid students with their online research, from selecting a search engine and finding some relevant sources, to citing those sources and writing a paper. If you need instructions for using Noodletools please click here.
Polling The Nations surveys provide much of the basic underpinning for newspaper and magazine articles, radio and television news reports and speeches of public officials. Having access to the primary information provides a fresh perspective that can be found in no other place.
Popular Contemporary Writers details the lives and works of nearly one hundred of the world's most-read popular writers of the present and recent past are presented in this engaging resource.
Proquest Research Library is a diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and other timely sources across the top 150 subject areas. By covering more subject areas then other resources, it is ideal for serving diverse needs, from the one-time user to the interdisciplinary needs of serious research.
Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) is an online resource that has information about formatting your research paper and how to get started writing you paper among other topics. If it is a question about the actual writing of your paper the answer can most likely be found here.