Course Catalog
District Practice for Advanced Placement Examinations:
The Great Neck Public Schools believe that an Advanced Placement exam is a culminating experience which follows a year of college-level work in an AP class which has College Board approval for both its curriculum and instructor. Therefore, the Great Neck Public Schools will only register students for AP exams for which they have been enrolled in a corresponding AP course in their respective high schools.
This practice of requiring students to complete a year of college-level work in a College Board certified course of study before Great Neck will administer an Advanced Placement exam has been in place for more than a decade. Exceptions are extremely rare and have been approved only when truly extenuating circumstances exist; exceptions are NOT granted simply because a student has taken an exam preparation course outside of the District. Only the College Board may approve a school, its instructors, and its programs of study and, should an outside school meet these standards, it would be in a position to administer the AP examination.
Requests for exceptions to this practice must be made in writing to Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Schools Dr. Stephen Lando by September 30th so that enrollment in review courses (exclusive of enrollment in a corresponding Great Neck Advanced Placement course) is undertaken without an expectation of AP exam registration in the Great Neck Public Schools.
District Practice for Schedule Changes:
Schedule Changes: All schedule changes will follow procedures posted on each school’s guidance website. Typically, students may add a new course to their schedule within the first two (2) weeks of the start of the course, replacing one (1) elective course with another shall be done within the first two (2) weeks of the start of the course.
Dropping a Course: Provided that the resulting schedule maintains the course load required by state law and Board of Education Policy, a student may drop a full-year course up until the mid-point of the 2nd marking period, and a half-year course up until the mid-point of the first quarter in which that course is taken. Students will not be permitted to drop a course after these deadlines.
*If an AP course is dropped after November 15th, a processing fee of approximately $40 will be assessed in accordance with new test ordering policies instituted by College Board.
Course Level Changes—High School: Students may change course level (for example, AP to Honors, Honors to Regents) up to the mid-point of the 2nd marking period. Students will not be permitted to change course levels after this deadline. Grades will not follow from one level course to another. NOTE: Students who remain in an Advanced Placement course but who do not sit for the corresponding examination will have the AP course designation removed from their transcript and be assigned the course grade which they otherwise would have received.
Exceptions: Exceptions to the add/drop deadlines may be made for ungraded and support classes such as study skills unless these courses are required by State Law, Board of Education Policy, Individualize Education Plan, or 504 accommodation.
In cases of compelling educational need, these practices may be overridden by the building principal in consultation with the teacher, department head, and guidance counselor.
Statement on Outside Study for Acceleration Purposes
The Great Neck Public Schools believe that abbreviated outside study (such as summer study) for acceleration purposes does not provide students with the depth of understanding required to move into the subsequent honors level courses, and achieving high passing grades on Regents exams does not demonstrate that a student has met the standard we hope our students will achieve during ten months spent in similarly titled courses in our schools. Therefore, the practice is highly discouraged. In order to fully understand our practices, students intending to enroll in and complete outside study are required to meet with their guidance counselor prior to registering for and completing such coursework.
In particular, the Great Neck Public Schools neither transfer grades nor accept outside coursework as appropriate preparation for honors courses, and study at non-accredited establishments will not be accepted for credit. As determined in consultation with the academic department, guidance counselor, and building administrator, students who undertake such courses without prior permission will need to repeat them (they may be placed into an honors section based on work completed), be placed into the non-honors course that is next in the sequence, or, in those cases where our schools’ course offerings do not include a non-honors option, not be scheduled in that content area for a given school-year.
Course Catalog by Department
- Registration Information
- Business
- Computer Science
- English
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Fine & Performing Arts
- Health Education
- Library Media Center
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- World Languages
- Special Education
- Study Skills - Academic Assistance Services
- English as a New Language (ENL)
- Independent Study
- Career Training Program
- Community School
- Preparing for College
- Graduation Requirements Worksheet
Registration Information
Few decisions you make in high school are more important than the course of study you should follow. Since much of your program consists of individually chosen courses, you should be careful in selecting subjects that fit your abilities, interests, and future plans. All students must discuss their program plans with their present teachers and obtain their recommendations in specific subjects. Your program--its level of challenge and its effect on your career plans--should be discussed most carefully with your counselor, since he/she is the person who is most knowledgeable concerning you and your program of studies.
We urge you to discuss your selection of subjects very carefully with your parents and obtain their assistance in making wise decisions. Should they have any questions, please have them call your counselor for an appointment to discuss.
Please remember that recommendations made by teachers and counselors are their best judgment of what is most advisable for you. All are most eager to help you. Our aim is to help you obtain all pertinent information that will aid you in making your final decision
You should carefully consider the kinds of courses you need and want. Make decisions about the breadth as well as the depth of your program; a general rule for all students is impossible to establish--some students can broaden their studies considerably, while others want or require intensive concentration in relatively few areas. A MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE PROGRAM MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST SIX COURSES OF STUDY PLUS PHYSICAL EDUCATION. You are urged to take a maximum program consistent with your needs and interests. Be aware not only of the time and number of periods involved in your course work but also determine the number of free periods and make decisions for a wise use of this free time. As you read this booklet, you should pay particular attention to elective subjects--all students are encouraged to broaden their background with selected courses in Art, Business, Family and Consumer Science, Music, Speech and Drama or Technology Education. In reading the course descriptions of each department, be sure to read the department's opening statement and what prerequisites may exist. Course credit is also listed for each offered course.
Specific dates and deadlines will be communicated. Final registration occurs in February and March and it represents your best plans based on your progress in present class work and on discussions with your counselor and your classroom teachers.
Your parents will have access to your course selection through the parent portal of Infinite Campus. If they have any questions about the courses for which you have been recommended or your elective choices, they are asked to inform your counselor immediately. You will then be scheduled for these courses, provided there is sufficient enrollment and provided no "conflict" occurs.
During the spring semester every effort is made to provide each student with a program which includes courses with a level of challenge commensurate with the student's level of ability as well as courses in special interest areas. Teachers, department chairpersons, and counselors spend a great deal of time in class and in individual conferences helping students make decisions regarding their schedules which are educationally sound. Every student should be careful to take advantage of this expert assistance in planning his or her academic program for next year. Consequently, students are expected to view their course selections, which they make this spring, as a serious commitment with which they plan to live during the coming school year.
Students who wish to pursue an Independent Study must comply with the procedure listed below:
A completed application must be submitted to Ms. Reilly, Independent Study Coordinator, no later than May 1, 2025. Applications submitted after this date cannot be considered until after September 1, 2025.
These applications may be obtained from Ms. Reilly’s office. Forms must be completely filled out including a statement of what the educational project is. If the project requires special consideration for early dismissal from or late arrival to school, a reason should be included.
SCHEDULE CHANGES: All schedule changes will follow procedures posted on each school’s guidance website. Typically, students may add a new course to their schedule within the first two (2) weeks of the start of the course, replacing one (1) elective course with another shall be done within the first two (2) weeks of the start of the course.
DROPPING A COURSE: Provided that the resulting schedule maintains the course load required by state law and Board of Education Policy, a student may drop a full-year course up until the end of the 1st marking period, and a half-year course up until the mid-point of the first quarter in which that course is taken. Students will not be permitted to drop a course after these deadlines.
*If an AP course is dropped after November 15th, a processing fee of approximately $40 will be assessed in accordance with new test ordering policies instituted by College Board.
COURSE LEVEL CHANGES HIGH SCHOOL: Students may change course level (for example, AP to Honors, Honors to Regents) up to end of the 1st marking period. Students will not be permitted to change course levels after this deadline. Grades will not follow from one level course to another when changes are made prior to the deadline.
NOTE: Students who remain in an Advanced Placement course but who do not sit for the corresponding examination will have the AP course designation removed from their transcript and be assigned the course grade which they otherwise would have received.
EXCEPTIONS: Exceptions to the add/drop deadlines may be made for ungraded and support classes such as study skills unless these courses are required by State Law, Board of Education Policy, Individualize Education Plan, or 504 accommodation.
In cases of compelling educational need, these practices may be overridden by the building principal in consultation with the teacher, department head, and guidance counselor.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: 22 units of credit including Physical Education (a unit represents one year of study).
English 4 units
Social Studies 4 units
Mathematics 3 units
Science 3 units
Foreign Language 1 unit
Health Education 1 unit
Physical Education 2 units (½ unit in each of 4 years)
Computer* ½ unit
Practical Arts** ½ unit
Art, Music, or Drama*** 1 unit
* Students may satisfy this requirement by taking any course in Computer Studies or any elective course with a computer component that satisfies the computer literacy requirement.
** Any course in Business, Family and Consumer Science, Technology Education, or Stagecraft.
*** All courses in the Fine and Performing Arts meet this requirement.
B. ELECTIVES - Students must supplement the above requirements with additional electives of their choice to obtain a total of at least 22 units of credit, including Physical Education.
The requirements for obtaining a local diploma are as follows:
1. Have completed ALL graduation requirements as listed above in areas A and B.
2. Have a documented learning disability
3. Have demonstrated competency in each of the six areas (Reading, Writing, Mathematics, U.S. History and Government, Global Studies and Science) by achieving a score of between 55 and 64 on 5 NYS Regents Exams:
Comprehensive English Regents Exam
Global History Regents Exam
US History and Government Regents Exam
Any Mathematics Regents Exam
Any Science Regents Exam
* Compensatory option for classified students: Student may score 45-54 on one or more of the required exams (excluding English and Math) if they compensate with scores higher than 65 on other exams.
** Superintendent determination option available for all students. Criteria vary for General Education students and Students with Disabilities.
Regents exemptions granted due to the cancellation of exams will be used towards diploma requirements
NOTE: According to the most recent information received from the New York State Education Department, the following graduation requirements will be in effect for the classes of 2026 through 2029.
Diploma Type
Advanced Regents Regents
Yes Yes 1. Have completed ALL graduation requirements as listed above in areas A & B.
Yes No 2. Have completed a sequence of 3 units of credit in a Foreign Language.
Yes Yes 3. Have completed a sequence of 3 units of credit in Mathematics.
Yes Yes 4. Have completed a sequence of 3 units of credit in Science.
Advanced Regents Regents
3 1 Regents Mathematics Examination(s)
2 1 Regents Science Examination(s)
Yes Yes Regents Comprehensive English Exam
Yes No Regents Equivalency Foreign Language
Yes Yes Regents Examination – Global History
Yes Yes Regents Exam - U.S. History & Gov
9 5 Total number of Regents Examinations required
*To obtain either a Regents or an Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors a student must obtain an average of 90 or higher on required Regents examinations.
*4+1 pathway option available to earn Regents Diploma
*5 credit sequence in Occupational Education or the Fine & Performing Arts can replace 2 credits in World Language for an Advanced Regents Diploma.
*Superintendent determination option available for all students
*Regents exemptions granted due to the cancellation of exams will be used towards diploma requirements
A.P. courses are designed to give high achieving, motivated students the opportunity to pursue college level studies in subject areas where the student has demonstrated exceptional interest, aptitude, and accomplishments.
In order to succeed in an A.P. course, a student must be self-directed, highly disciplined and ready to commit time and energy to reach beyond high school standards of workload and performance.
Students earn criterion-referenced grades; that is, grades are determined solely on mastery of the concepts and skills taught in the A.P. curriculum. While variables such as effort and cooperation are always expected, they are not given consideration in the A.P. grading system, nor are extra-credit projects. Students must be in command of the prerequisite knowledge and skills contained in the course descriptions, and will not receive extra help to make up for deficits in academic background.
Ambitious, accomplished students are encouraged by department recommendation to enroll in A.P. courses. If a student does not have the department's recommendation, the student and his/her parents must meet with the department chairperson and the student's counselor. The purpose of the meeting is to clearly define the scope and depth of the course so that the student has all the information needed to make realistic choices for his/her academic program. Enrollment in an A.P. course is subject to availability and will not be completed until the department's recommendation is secured or the counseling meeting is held. In like manner, if the counselor determines that the number of A.P. courses the student has elected is a concern, the same procedure will be followed before the schedule of courses is completed.
Completion of the A.P. course requires preparation and sitting for the A. P. exam sponsored by the College Board in the spring. Students are also responsible for paying the A. P. Exam fee which will be approximately $99 per exam for the 2025-2026 school year.
The Shared Decision Making Committee of North High School supports a differentiated curriculum in which the A.P. courses are designed to serve the needs of students with exceptional academic abilities and achievement, and the Shared Decision Making Committee has approved the regulations described herein to discourage enrollment in A. P. courses for any other reason.
Obviously, careful consideration must be given to the high level of challenge demanded by the A.P. program before enrolling.
District Policy for Advanced Placement Examinations:
The Great Neck Public Schools believe that an Advanced Placement exam is a culminating experience which follows a year of college-level work in an AP class which has College Board approval for both its curriculum and instructor. Therefore, the Great Neck Public Schools will only register students for AP exams for which they have been enrolled in a corresponding AP course in their respective high schools.
This practice of requiring students to complete a year of college-level work in a College Board certified course of study before Great Neck will administer an Advanced Placement exam has been in place for more than a decade. Exceptions are extremely rare and have been approved only when truly extenuating circumstances exist; exceptions are NOT granted simply because a student has taken an exam preparation course outside of the District. Only the College Board may approve a school, its instructors, and its programs of study and, should an outside school meet these standards, it would be in a position to administer the AP examination.
For the 2025-2026 school year, requests for exceptions to this practice must be made in writing to Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Schools by September 30, 2025.
In general, high school students are not encouraged to complete the requirements for graduation prior to the end of the normal senior year. For most students, enrichment and variety in program are preferable to acceleration and early graduation. For a very small number of students an alternate study or work experience may be more appropriate than the full senior year.
Those students who are interested in requesting consideration for early graduation should carefully discuss the matter with their parents and counselor. If, after a careful discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of this option, the student and his or her parents still wish to request it, they must receive the permission of the Principal and the Superintendent before April 15.
Those few students who are approved for one full year acceleration must obtain written approval of both the English and Social Studies Chairpersons for the manner in which they propose to meet graduation requirements in these subject areas.
Specific entrance requirements are determined by each individual college--they vary considerably. There are some colleges where no particular pattern of high school subjects is required and other colleges where all entrance units are prescribed.
As soon as you become interested in a college, you should check requirements on that college’s website. Students must accept this responsibility. Catalogues and reference books are available in the Guidance Center as well as web-based search programs that can be very useful.
Colleges would like all applicants to have had the maximum possible high school program appropriate to their abilities and interests. Generally, they stress courses in English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Foreign Language.
The Guidance Department posts information on the website which will keep you updated about SAT testing, College Application procedures and the availability of various scholarships and other sources of financial aid. Students are encouraged to consult with their counselors on the very important process of college selection.
We urge you to consider participation in our co-curricular program as part of your overall involvement with our school. These activities usually meet once a week after regular school day between 2:45 and 5:00 p.m. All clubs and activities are open to all students with only a few requiring an audition or tryout.
Extensive listing of student activities, meeting places, day and time of meetings, sponsors, etc., are available in the office of the Assistant Principal and will be circulated each year early in the fall semester. An updated listing can be found on the school website at
The Business Department believes that it has an important responsibility to educate students as to the many career opportunities available in our global economy. Also, students may take courses that will enhance their business computer skills and making them more marketable in the future. Business students will explore careers in Accounting, Law, Management, Marketing, Finance and a variety of other business professions. In addition, the course offerings will provide all students with a foundation in 21st century skills enabling them to better adjust to the global business and legal community in which they live. Students may receive up to twelve college credits before graduating from North High school. DECA is our award winning Business club and all students are encouraged to participate. Students may elect any combination of courses within this department to earn either a three or five credit sequence toward graduation. Students who take five credits in Business may fulfill a requirement towards a Regents Diploma.
Students may choose from an array of courses which are taught in a college preparatory manner. The advanced and honors level courses within this department are taught in a manner which closely parallels college level courses. In addition, students may earn valuable college credits through a variety of business course offerings. Students may select from among the following courses as long as any necessary prerequisites have been satisfied: Introduction to Business, Business Ownership, Sports Marketing, Fashion Marketing, College Accounting, College Accounting Advanced-Honors, College Law, Law Seminar-Honors and College Marketing/Management. We have many liberal arts and fine arts students who are taking at least one of these courses in order to increase their business awareness.
To satisfy their computer literacy requirement, students may elect the following courses to enhance and refine their computer skills: College Prep-Computer Applications, Multimedia and Web Design, Sports Marketing, Fashion Marketing, Investments and the Business of Music. These courses may be elected on a “stand alone” basis or may be combined with other offerings in this department to create a sequence.
Most colleges and businesses use some part of the Microsoft Office software package. This hands-on computer course will focus on the computer applications students will need to survive in high school, college, and beyond. The application skills acquired in this course are relevant and essential to your future success. Students will work with Excel (spreadsheet), PowerPoint (presentations), Access (relational database) and Word. Each one of these applications has practical educational and business use. In addition to the Microsoft Office package, Desktop Publishing will be taught to create letterheads, stationary, business cards, brochures, and newsletters. Clip art, graphics, digital cameras, and scanners will be used to enhance the applications.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Note: This course meets the computer literacy requirement.
The Financial Literacy course introduces students to essential financial concepts and consumer skills necessary for achieving personal financial stability. This course covers fundamental topics such as earning income, managing expenses, saving and investing, understanding credit, protecting personal finances, and planning for future financial goals. The course also explores the impact of economic factors on personal financial decisions and career opportunities in the financial sector. Students will learn to apply personal organizational and decision-making skills to real-world financial scenarios, thereby building a foundation for responsible money management. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions, plan for the future, and recognize their rights and responsibilities as consumers.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: 11th and 12th grade
This semester course is designed to give students a broad understanding of the many different options in the business world. The course will include but will not be limited to our monetary system, credit, investments, business law, and types of business organizations, consumerism, insurance, advertising, economics and communication. In addition, students will explore a chosen career and evaluate their suitability for that career based upon an investigation of their own goals, interests and abilities. This course will aid in creating necessary tools to succeed in any business endeavor including résumé building, interviewing skills as well as public speaking. Some possible activities may include entrepreneur projects such as “Shark Tank”, international business etiquette and an investigatory career project, which will include interviews with people in the student’s chosen career. Knowledge obtained will be used in almost every career, whether it is after college or high school.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Note: This course meets the computer literacy requirement
This is a ½ year course offered through our Business Department. How financially savvy are you? This course is specifically designed for high school students to gain an understanding about the importance of the financial world, including planning and managing money wisely. Areas of study taught through application in personal finance and financial literacy include sources of income, budgeting, banking, consumer credit, credit laws and rights, personal bankruptcy, insurance, spending, taxes, investment strategies, savings/checking accounts, buying/leasing a vehicle, purchasing a home and the expenses of living independently.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: open to 9th and 10th grades
Note: This course meets the computer literacy requirement
This course offers you the opportunity to examine both the academic and practical considerations of running your own business. Students will be responsible for handling all facets of running the school store. This “hands on” course will have students working on sales, management, financing and advertising with respect to the North High School Store. Students will work with the entire school community in a “real world” business environment and learn how to run and manage a business on a daily basis.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Embark on an educational journey with Business Ethics: Critical Thinking through Film an engaging elective that melds the intrigue of cinema with foundational business principles. This innovative course is tailored for high school seniors eager to explore the realms of entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, ethics, and global business through the captivating lens of film. By dissecting a curated selection of films, students will study real-world business scenarios, uncovering the strategies, challenges, and ethical considerations that shape today's business landscape Business Ethics: Critical Thinking through Film is designed to foster critical thinking, enhance creativity, and bolster communication skills, making complex business concepts accessible and relatable. This course is not just an academic endeavor but a journey that prepares students for real-life challenges, encouraging them to think like future innovators and leaders. Join us in Business Ethics: Critical Thinking through Film to transform the classroom into a vibrant setting for learning, inspiration, and preparation for the dynamic world of business in today’s world.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: 12th grade only
SPORTS MARKETING – Semester Course
A one-semester course devoted to examining the economic, managerial and marketing strategies of professional sports’ franchises. Students will study theories of product development, advertising, pricing, promotion, public relations and publicity in an effort to understand the complex nature of the multi-billion dollar sports and entertainment industry. The curriculum will investigate the relationships which are developed between franchises and host cities and the resulting benefits which fall to each when fundamental managerial principles are applied. The entire process of franchise acquisition, debt financing, site selection, facility layout and the costs of construction will be discussed in detail. Case studies will be used to highlight and emphasize the material covered. Sports marketing is an innovative course designed to provide students with an insight into the vast business nature of professional sports and the powerful grip it holds on the American psyche as well as the American dollar.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Note: This course meets the computer literacy requirement.
This course is designed for the college bound students who plan to major in Business Administration or who may wish to combine Business Administration with a study of languages, computer science, engineering or the arts.
The course will provide instruction in the recording of transactions and in the techniques of preparing classified financial statements. It will emphasize analysis and interpretation of financial statements, and accounting situations. During the year students will work with computers, using special accounting software to analyze and solve accounting problems. Students will have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through SUNY Farmingdale at a drastically reduced tuition rate.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: 10th, 11th or 12th grade
This course is the second year of College Accounting. It is a college level course designed for the student who wishes to study accounting with a greater concentration on the theory and philosophy of decisions. Corporation accounting includes the following: inventory valuation, depreciation theory and methods; comparative analysis of corporate statements; interpretation of financial statement preparation and analysis of cash flow statements; the making of management system decisions based on available accounting data, preparation of income taxes; and accounting as a forecasting tool. In addition, manufacturing accounting will be covered as well. Students will have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through SUNY Farmingdale at a drastically reduced tuition rate.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: College Accounting and Teacher Recommendation
A college level course that covers all facets of management and marketing in business. Topics covered include business formation, ethics, information systems, production and marketing, financial management and human resources. Students will be responsible for working in teams and preparing case study analysis. Students will have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through SUNY Farmingdale at a drastically reduced tuition rate.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Sports Marketing or Fashion Marketing
10th, 11th, or 12th grades
This is a subject of value and importance to every student. It encompasses a comprehensive approach to the study of law and legal problems. Topics will include: the origin and development of our laws; and overview of the structure of various legal systems; laws pertaining to minors and an introduction to civil and criminal procedures. This will be followed by a series of special in-depth studies; torts, negligence, criminal justice, contracts, property and negotiable instruments.
Cases add to the interest and practicability of the course. This subject will be of special benefit to those planning to major in Business Administration, Law and International Law in college. Trips to the district courts will provide students an opportunity to view “real” cases in a courtroom setting. Students will have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through LIU Post College at a drastically reduced tuition rate.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
A college level course for the Law Career minded student. Topics will be selected from the LAW course of study to be researched and studied in depth. Particular stress shall be given to the areas of torts, contracts, libel and Criminal Law. Students will develop legal research techniques in which they will utilize law libraries and legal documents. Also to be included will be an analysis of court structure and procedure, the assignment of cases, the administration of the courts, the appellate process, development of trial techniques (direct examination, cross examination etc.), and the preparation for and participation in several case trials. Many actual cases will be thoroughly studied, investigated and analyzed. Students will be encouraged to do additional research work in their special interest areas.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: College Law
INVESTMENTS – Semester Course
The DOW dropped 200 points, the NASDAQ is up, gold is at an all-time high, and real estate has experienced a major bubble. If you want to learn more about these issues and what is happening in the world with respect to investments this is the course for you. Topics to be covered will include the following: advantages and disadvantages of investing in stocks, bonds and mutual funds --for long term investment and short term profits; who should invest in the stock market and when; buying and selling of commodities (coffee, sugar, soy beans), investing in real estate, and the importance of investing in retirement accounts. Students will be shown how to begin an investment program and will be able to develop their own investment plans with long-term objectives in mind. Students will also have an opportunity to compete against other schools through the virtual Stock Market Game. Investment research will take place using the internet.
½ unit of credit No Prerequisite
Note: This course meets the computer literacy requirement
This course is designed for all grade levels. Students will have hands-on experience in preparing multimedia presentations and web page design. Students will learn how to make advanced PowerPoint presentations that will include text, graphics, photographs, and transitions. The Internet will be used to gather information and design elements, which include audio, video and graphics. The students will learn to present their projects in a professional, business-like manner. Students will learn how to design and create web pages using Adobe Dreamweaver. Topics will include backgrounds, text, headings, lists, images, horizontal rules, image maps, tables, frames, anchors, links and web file formats.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Note: This course meets the computer literacy requirement
The fashion industry has an impact on students’ lives and the American and global economy. This course will introduce students to the marketing strategies used to develop, distribute and showcase today’s fashion. In this specialized course, students gain basic knowledge of the apparel and accessories industry and skills necessary for successful employment in apparel businesses. Students will develop general marketing skills necessary for successful employment in fashion marketing, sales promotion, purchasing, physical distribution, market planning, and product/service technology. Computer/technology applications supporting this course are also studied.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Note: This course meets the computer literacy requirement
This course provides advanced experiences in food production, management and service. Key components of this course are: menu planning, inventory, purchasing and receiving, and food service operations. It will include a student run restaurant, created with the goal of providing real time, hands on experience of the operations of a fine dining establishment. It will provide practical knowledge and skills used to understand restaurant volumes and pricing strategy. This course offers opportunities to apply instructional competencies and workplace readiness skills, and enhances leadership development skills. While providing an understanding of the scope and complexity of the industry, the course covers key hospitality and management issues. Students will be able to explore career opportunities available in restaurants, hotels, beverages operations, casinos, theme parks, entertainment centers, cruise lines, and countless other hospitality and tourism businesses.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
This internship course offers an experiential learning opportunity in an approved business, government agency, or non-profit organization. Students will be required to complete an application and interview with the internship coordinator/teacher to discuss their career interests. Mentor availability, report card grades, teacher comments and school attendance will all be considered during the selection process. Upon acceptance into, the internship coordinator/teacher will match the students’ interests with an appropriate mentor in that field. Depending on the internship selected, students may complete the internship after school, on weekends and/or school vacations. Students will be required to attend workshops throughout the process; as this course does not meet on a daily basis. Students must provide their own transportation to and from their internship site. Students will engage in a rigorous, relevant and “real world” learning experience that further enhances their knowledge of a particular career path and will be required to complete a minimum of 54 hours for credit.
½ - 1 unit of credit (depending on intern hours) Prerequisite: Must be a senior and be approved through application process
Computer Science
- Computer Science is NOT just about writing code!
- Believe it or not…Computer Science exists in just about every area of interest! Computer Science may be a wonderful area of exploration for you If you have an interest in some or all of the following:
- Psychology
- Art
- Creative Writing
- Security
- Databases/Data Analysis
- Math & Logic
- Healthcare
- Research
- Finance/Stocks
- Networking/Internet Infrastructure
- Computing jobs are among the highest starting salaries of any entry-level bachelor degree! (via Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023)
- Computer Network Architect Median Salary: $129,840
- Software Developer Median Salary: $130,160
- Information Security Analyst Median Salary: $120,360
- Database Administrator Median Salary: $117,450
- IT Manager Median Salary: $169,510
- Computing jobs have very high satisfaction rates when compared to other jobs as they are interesting, intellectually challenging and creative!
- Exposing students to computer science education during their high school career gives them critical thinking skills needed for their success in the 21st century and for strengthening the workforce!
Technology is a rapidly advancing field that continues to grow at an exponential rate each and every day. North High is proud to offer several courses offered that help students become accustomed to the field of Computer Science and help them explore their creativity and thinking skills in a new and exciting way.
Imagine you are on a job interview, and a member of the panel asks you the following:
You have 10 quarters flat on a table, where 8 of them are heads up, and 2 are tails up. You are blindfolded and unable to see the state (which side is up) of each coin. How can we divide the coins into 2 piles such that each pile contains an equal quantity of coins whose state are tails up?
While Computer Science is often associated with software development, the need for problem solving, logic, and communication skills has become critically important in today’s society.
To that point, software has also become an integral part of education and society over the past decade. From word processing to cell phone applications, the demand for programmers grows each and every day. This course serves as a platform for students to take an introductory look at how software is developed, from both a logical/design point of view, as well as from a technical and practical point of view. Students will explore the beginning aspects of how to plan to write code while problem solving, read and write code, documentation, debugging, and working in teams to reach a common goal.
The course also allows students to discuss many ethical dilemnas found in the Computer Science world, and learn what types of careers and jobs are available and best suit their interests. Special attention is given to creative thinking, out of the box non-linear problem solving, and algorithm development. The course culminates in a final project where students will use everything they learned over the course of the semester to create an educational piece of software from scratch (Jeopardy, flashcards, etc.). This course can be taken for computer credit and satisfies the computer requirement for graduation.
1/2 unit of credit Prerequisite(s): Pre-algebra, no prior programming experience required!
The concepts behind Computer Science help students to plan, think, process, and create. Being able to understand these overarching conceptual themes will unlock many different areas of Computer Science for exploration. The primary coding language in use today is Java, developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is the backbone of everything you see today, from applications to video games. In this course, we will study the beginning conceptual elements required to successfully understand and use Java. Students will be introduced to such concepts as object oriented programming, algorithm development, and class hierarchies. Additionally, we will investigate mathematical topics such as working in other number systems such as binary and hexadecimal, logic proofs and circuit diagrams, as well as the math behind common encryption algorithms.
1/2 unit of credit Prerequisite(s): Completion of Computer Science I, Pre-Algebra
(offered in 2025-2026)
Consider the following: to win a contest, you have 20 chances to guess a random number between 1 and 1 million. For each guess, you will be notified if your guess was correct, too high, or too low. Does an algorithm exist such that we can win the contest everytime?
These are the types of complicated yet intriguing questions that will be answered in AP Computer Science. This course takes students deep into the infrastructure of the Java language, including memory efficency, searching and sorting, data structures, and polymorphism. Students will work on challenging real world lab activities that simulate classic Computer Science problems and mimic actual work enviroments which provide valuable insight and experience. In May, students will be required to take the AP Exam, which can qualify them for college credits. A summer assignment prior to the start of the class is required.
Students interested in this course should:
- Be familiar with mathematical notation and concepts through the Algebra 2 level and preferably beyond.
- Have formal experience in problem solving/coding.
- Be able to structure and develop a given topic/problem solution in a logical manner.
Every student will be expected to devote time outside of the classroom setting to work on programming assignments.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite(s): Completion of Algebra 2, Introduction to Computer Science I and II and a recommendation from the teacher. Exceptions require permission from the Department Chairperson.
(offered in 2026-2027)
In contrast to courses solely based on programming, AP Computer Science Principles is an alternative study of the computer science field that focuses on using and understanding technology and programming as a means to develop problem solving techniques. The course does not focus on a particular programming language or have any programming prerequisites with the intent to make the course more welcoming to a broader student population. Special focus will be given to algorithm development, a detailed understanding of the inner workings of the Internet & data transfer, social and ethical implications of technology, and software engineering. We take a deep look at how human psychology factors into software development, how cybersecurity is quickly becoming the most important issue dealt with on a daily basis, and how to work with incredibly large data sets to analyze so we can draw inferences and make insights. It will also allow students to embrace their creative side with assignments and projects during the year that will factor into their AP Exam grade along with the traditional written exam taken in May. A summer assignment prior to the start of the class is required.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite(s): Completion of Algebra 1, course open to 10th-12th grades
The English Department offers a four-year program of comprehensive literature and composition courses. Students read widely in fiction and non-fiction, as well as in poetry and drama. Library and research skills are developed throughout the four years and students write literary research papers in grades 11 and 12. Extensive instruction and practice in composition are offered, and students meet regularly with their teachers to develop writing skills in all modes. Students may elect additional semester courses in creative writing in their junior and senior years and journalism in their sophomore, junior, and senior years.
Students have the opportunity to seek Honors or Advanced Placement study in any year of the high school program. In grades 10-12, placement is determined by essay examination and teacher recommendation.
A summer reading requirement for all students is distributed in mid-May.
This course is specifically designed to enable students to spend a year mastering the literature and essay requirements for the English Regents exam. The class will meet on alternate days and will teach the fundamentals of English, assist in the comprehension of literature texts, and work on the basics of essay writing.
½ unit of credit
This course is specifically designed to enable special education students to master the skills required for the English Regents exam. The class will meet on alternate days and will be staffed with an English teacher and special education teacher both of whom will work on the tasks of the Regents exam as well as on the literature that the students will be expected to cover in their English classes. These skills include essay writing, text analysis, and reading comprehension.
½ unit of credit
This is an advanced writing course for 11th and 12th graders with excellent skills in expository writing, who wish to gain or to expand their experience in writing fiction, poetry, and literary non-fiction. Weekly and long-term reading assignments will also be designed to offer students an introduction to contemporary literature.
The course is conducted in a workshop format: all students are expected to submit their writing for critiques by their peers and to offer meaningful responses to the work of other members of the class. Writers will also be encouraged to submit work to contests and publications. This is an elective that does not replace any required English course, but may be used toward a five-year sequence.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: English 10
The course will allow students to explore the role of the news media (print, internet, radio, television, film and advertising) from its beginnings to its potential in our future. Students become familiar with the organization of news production, law and ethics, the history of the American newspaper and the role of journalism in American society, interviewing, reporting and editing. Students in the course will gain practical experience by producing articles for Guide Post, the school newspaper, and an individually designed newspaper.
1 unit of credit No Prerequisite
The course builds on the information learned in Journalism 1 by introducing and developing skills in layout and design. Students will learn different types of design style (front page, inside page, and double page spread) using modular presentation. Students in the course will gain practical experience by creating the overall design of Guide Post. In addition, students will learn about using photos and illustrations and caption writing as an additional visually informative tool. Students will also be expected to execute an in-depth writing assignment.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Journalism 1
Students in this course complete project assignments that include developing a staff manual, developing and executing team building activities for Guide Post, developing and leading training schedules, creating leadership plans, creating financial and advertising plans, and developing an online publication.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Journalism 2
NOTE: All grade 9 English and social studies classes are paired and scheduled to meet during consecutive periods. This permits flexible use of class time and grouping of students as well as creates opportunities for coordinated instruction.
This is a comprehensive course in literature and composition with particular emphasis on expository writing and on analytical reading in all literary genres. English 9 Regents includes a review of English grammar and usage. Students will be expected to read extensively and independently, preparing works for class discussion as well as meeting supplementary outside reading requirements. Readings in drama will include at least one Shakespearean play. Students may expect opportunities to develop their skills in narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing as well as to extend their ability to assert and argue effectively and to write topic sentences and thesis statements.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: English 8
English 9 Honors is not offered as a separate course. Students in 9 Regents have the opportunity to pursue honors level study and credit by achievement.
A sophomore is required to register for one of the following full-year courses:
This Regents level course builds on the composition skills taught in ninth grade. Students may expect extensive practice in a variety of rhetorical modes and in developing the length and complexity of their essays. Students will also have opportunities to develop imaginative and personal writing. Clarity, variety in sentence structure, appropriate diction, and coherence are emphasized. The study of literature seeks to enhance students' appreciation of the complexity of human experience and includes significant works of drama, including at least one Shakespearean play, fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Additional areas of study will include grammatical lessons and impromptu writing. As in all English courses, students in English 10 will have assignments in vocabulary development, lessons in standard English usage, and outside reading assignments.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: English 9
This course is designed for those students who have demonstrated exceptional proficiency and interest in literature and composition. The honors level course is for students who take genuine pleasure in reading extensively literary works of variety and challenge and whose writing shows exceptional clarity and maturity of expression. Honors students must be able to work and grow in a highly competitive atmosphere. Honors placement is determined by essay examination and teacher recommendation.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: English 9 Regents and department permission.
A junior is required to register for one of the following year-long courses:
The junior year offers students the opportunity to bring their literary and composition skills to a mature, college preparatory level. The literature studied is primarily American and is selected to develop awareness and an appreciation of structures, styles, and themes characteristic of American literature. This reading may be enriched by inclusion of appropriate works of British or European writers. Our goal is to help students develop sound and mature critical standards. Student writing is expected to show evidence of logical reasoning, sound analysis, and thoughtful interpretation. English 11 Regents offers frequent practice in text analysis and argumentative writing to prepare for the Regents Examination in English Language Arts, which students take at the end of the course.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: English 10
This course both parallels and intensifies the 11 Regents program and prepares for the AP Language and Composition Exam, which is required. Students in this course demonstrate exceptional maturity of literary insight and compositional skill, as well as a commitment to explore great literature and writing.
This course offers honors level study of literature as well as the AP language program, which engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines and rhetorical contexts. Students will have opportunities to write in a variety of forms – narrative, exploratory, expository – as well as to develop skills in formal and informal argument. The course offers frequent practice with rhetorical analysis, synthesis, and argumentative writing to prepare for the AP exam.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: English 10 Regents and department permission.
Those not receiving a recommendation will be required to meet with the counselor, department head, and parents to ensure full awareness of the high level of commitment and skill required to succeed in AP English.
AP Literature and Composition is a college-level course designed for students who have demonstrated mature understanding and superior ability to express insights, concepts, and themes in literature; who take pleasure in reading, discussing, and writing about literature; and who have demonstrated their critical thinking skills in class discussion and in writing.
You must plan to devote a minimum of eight hours per week outside of class to prepare reading and writing assignments within required deadlines. Class discussion will stress comprehension and interpretation and require accurate recall with ability to make cogent references to a particular text. The AP English student must be a thoughtful and mature contributor to these discussions.
The AP Exam in Literature and Composition is required of all students. In addition, a college level research paper on a major literary figure or work(s) is required. You will also submit a number of critical papers throughout the year.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: English 11 Regents and department recommendation.
Those not receiving the department recommendation will be required to meet with counselor, department head, and parents to ensure full awareness of the high level of commitment and skill required to succeed in AP English.
The class will begin with a unit exploring the key attributes of detective or mystery fiction, and then examine a sampling of works in the genre. Students will analyze the characterization of detectives, suspects, and criminals, and consider the author's plotting, building of tension, and inclusion of clues. The course will include two units: Detective and Mystery Fiction, and True Crime. Throughout
the coursework, students will be engaged in hands-on projects including a murder-mystery event, creating their own short works, podcasting, etc.
½ unit of credit
For centuries, authors have created works of literature, prophetic and otherwise, about the state of the world. In this exploration of dystopian literature, students will read texts that function to expound on topics such as surveillance, mob mentality, social equality, government control, and reliance on technology. Students will analyze the various warnings each author presents and seek to understand and evaluate each author's message/prophesy. The course will engage students through various mediums including short stories poems, novels and films. An additional goal of the coursework is for students to leave the classroom with not only an increased knowledge of great literature, but also a heightened awareness of the impactful roles they might play in our world. Projects may include students crafting their own dystopian work.
½ unit of credit
In this class, students will explore a variety of literature and media born in New York City and its boroughs. After considering the diverse history and culture of the city, the class will focus on both authors who grew up in the city as well as authors whose perspectives of New York are as foreigners. Students will study literature from multiple New York perspectives. Over the course of the semester, students will study fiction, nonfiction, and media driven by the backdrop of the bustling Big Apple.
½ unit of credit
In this class, students will explore the importance of myth and legend as a vehicle for expressing various cultures' histories and values. The course commences with a study of oral storytelling and the evolution of myth and legend. The class will then read and discuss creation myths from a variety of word cultures, and even write their own creation myth explaining a particular natural phenomenon or human behavior. Students will also spend time studying Joseph Campbell's hero journey and use his comparative research (Monomyth ideology) to analyze and understand classic and modern stories as well as films.
½ unit of credit
This half-year course will focus on alternate modes of storytelling, in both fiction and non-fiction, through the use of short and full-length graphic texts. This is a course for students with a strong interest in creative storytelling. Students will learn techniques in both fiction and non-fiction storytelling, using combinations of texts and images, while examining superheroes through a variety of lenses: literary, pop culture, historical, cultural, visual design, and multi-media. Students will analyze and evaluate professional works and student-centered works, culminating in the development of their own comic book script.
½ unit of credit
Students will read a variety of one act and full-length plays, as well as the popular subgenre of 10-minute plays during the semester in order to explore the benefits of this particular genre. The class will begin with the genre’s origins in ancient Greece and move through its evolution in the present. The groups will learn to analyze a script and focus on character motivation, intent, and conflict. Students will be given a chance to perform dramatic reading of the works as well as act out plays. All of the students’ work will culminate with the students creating and performing their own One Act plays. Students will explore through text-based analysis, readings, performances, and creative writing.
½ unit of credit
This course will examine the genre of the American short story. The course will explore its historical origins, the developing versions of written forms, its mode of brevity and compression, and its range of styles: realism, regionalism, modernism, allegory, postmodernism, and more. Students will analyze what defines a short story and what strategies authors use to reinforce larger themes in a short story collection. Additionally, we will see how diverse the American experience is represented through the form. Throughout the course, students will primarily read and analyze short stories both independently and in group projects and read excepted theory on the short story form. Students will also practice writing short stories of their own.
½ unit of credit
Nothing captures the American imagination quite like baseball, and it is the sport featured most in books, movies, and the American mythos. While its popularity may have waned as a spectator sport, nothing has dimmed our fascination with it. What is it about baseball that captures who we are as a country? Is it that each game could conceivably never end, offering possibility in the direst of circumstances? Is it that its heroes come from all walks of life, making it a truly egalitarian game? Is it that it has walked with us through most of our country’s history? These questions and others will be explored through short stories, novels, movies, and columns.
½ unit of credit
This course incorporates the study of poetry with the writing of poetry. We’ll begin with some contemporary writers, to explore rhythm, rhyme, and form–particularly those from several of America’s most celebrated voices. We’ll jump back in time to study poetry from the 19th century, and we’ll ultimately close with a unit on spoken word. Along the way, we’ll study poets ranging from Elizabeth Bishop to Langston Hughes, and we’ll also look closely at two full books by Anne Sexton and John Berryman. Poems will also be paired with music and art. Perhaps most importantly, we’ll grow to become a community of writers that celebrate each other’s poetic voices.
½ unit of credit
This course will explore the future through literature, beginning with the stages of life leading to college or employment, then the period of time dedicated to college/first full-time job/military, then independence, then the responsibilities and difficulties of life’s many forks in the road. Students will begin with topics on the college experience, then onto literature about the real-life thrills, challenges, and questions—professions, parenting, family, fulfillment—that we consider as we grow older, pave our own path, and ponder what it means to get a life. The course will feature a blend of novels, short stories, current events, poetry, and film.
½ unit of credit
Family & Consumer Sciences
The Family and Consumer Sciences (F.A.C.S.) program teaches students information relating to their daily lives. Courses relate to clothing selection and construction, parenting and child development, nutrition and diet analysis, food preparation, consumerism and career opportunities.
The Great Neck Board of Education requires that all students complete a ½ credit course in Practical Arts. Any F.A.C.S. course will meet this graduation requirement.
In addition, students may arrange for, and are encouraged to partake in independent study courses in every area of F.A.C.S. The exact program and meeting time will be written according to the curriculum guidelines and agreed upon by both the student and the department chairperson. An independent study program gives the student the opportunity to explore topics which are of special interest. It also is an ideal way for students to receive credit for courses which he or she is unable to take because of a lack of time in the student’s busy schedule, or because a course is not being offered. Nutrition and its relationship to health, and pattern design and construction, are but only two of the programs which can be created.
This tasty course will include basic food preparation and skills, as well as advanced cooking techniques. Some of the delicacies to be prepared and sampled in this hands-on foods course are: quick breads, appetizers, yeast breads, vegetables, salads, cookies, pies, pastas and soups. Nutrition, food and diet analysis, food safety and labeling will also be explored. Students will have the opportunity to prepare meals, which are both satisfying to the palate, as well as nutritionally balanced, in this versatile foods class.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
International Foods will expose students to some of the diversity of culture and foods of many countries around the world including regions of the United States. Classroom assignments, cooking demonstrations, guest speakers, and cooking labs will allow students to have a taste of the world. Students will be involved in research and presentation of a project with a food sample he or she has prepared.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Cake decorating, candy making, pie and pastry preparation, cookie and bread baking are only a few of the delicacies to be prepared in class. Though this hands-on course is primarily involved with preparing confectioneries, other foodstuffs will also be completed. The class will have input concerning various foods that they would like to pursue. Lasagna, stir-fry, salads, soups, and vegetables are a sampling of the many choices offered. Nutrition, food substitutions, and diet analysis will also be discussed during the semester. After the completion of the course, the student will become a master of creating fine meals to be complimented with delectable desserts.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
This course provides an overview of child development for students who are interested in early childhood and parent education, child psychology, social work, and/or education. Topics will include readiness for parenting, prenatal development, developmental and learning theories, childhood nutrition, play, and methods of parenting. Knowing how children grow and develop, as well as knowing how to care for children are vital skills for anyone to know. A variety of activities and topics are presented including types of development, preschool, learning centers, media influence, the importance of play and reading, and baby care.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Independent Living will help prepare students to be successful members of society by exposing students to a variety of basic skills such as: applying nutrition and wellness knowledge, family basics and parenting, finances and responsible consumer choices, career exploration, cooking, health and safety and much, much more. This course will allow our students the ability to make knowledge-based decisions especially since it has become increasingly important as students learn to navigate the demands of adulthood. Independent Living is designed to prepare students for the realities and responsibilities of managing all aspects of their futures; education, career, interpersonal relationships, civic involvement, and financial security.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Fine & Performing Arts
Within every student lies a creative spirit. Our goal is to nurture the students in ways that promote self expression and that help them communicate ideas to the world. Our course offerings provide knowledge and training that we hope will enrich their lives forever.
It is our belief that an artist develops through exploring Art in an individual creative process over a period of time. In order to encourage continued creative growth on advanced levels, we have created a sequential course of study. These courses must be taken to qualify for the AP Art & Design Program. In the college admission process the art portfolio exemplifies a side of the candidate that a transcript cannot reveal, distinguishing an individual from others with equal qualifications.
For students interested in building a portfolio of work and completing the AP Art & Design exam, you should consider the following courses: 1. Studio Art I
2. Studio Art II
3. Studio Art III: The Artist’s Vision
4. Advanced Studio Art
5. AP Art & Design
6. In addition to the above, we strongly suggest enrollment in one semester of Sculpture and Ceramics, Digital Design, or Digital Photography.
This course fulfills ½ unit towards the 1 unit New York State High School Fine Arts requirement. Throughout the course, students will work with a variety of materials and techniques including drawing, painting, digital art, collage, printmaking, and sculpture to find new ways of giving expression and meaning to ideas. Creative work in the studio and occasional homework assignments will prepare students for Studio Art II.
1/2 unit of credit. No Prerequisite – Recommended for all students who have not taken any art classes at the high school level.
This course fulfills ½ unit towards the 1 unit New York State High School Fine Arts requirement. The curriculum will continue to explore the fundamentals of artistic expression to engage students in visual challenges that improve both technique and imagination, critical thinking skills crucial to success in today’s world. Creative work in the studio and occasional homework assignments will prepare students for Studio Art III and all Art elective courses.
1/2 unit of credit. Prerequisite: Studio Art I or Art 9
Students will focus studio experience on the creative processes from beginning concepts to finished compositions.
Specific visual challenges and problem solving will progress to more individual expressive pieces free from traditional boundaries. Creative work in the studio and homework assignments will prepare students for Advanced Art and all Art elective courses.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Studio Art II
Students will learn different methods and materials used by sculptors and crafts artists to create three-dimensional works of art that express each student’s individual creative vision. Emphasis on ceramic arts and the use of traditional and non-traditional methods and materials will be explored.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite.
Students will continue to build on skills and concepts of Sculpture and Ceramics I. Through hands-on projects, advanced sculpture students are challenged to expand their repertoire of methods by exploring new mediums and techniques. Students are also expected to develop their own creative visions with more independent and advanced projects.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Sculpture & Ceramics I
This course is designed for students preparing for AP Art & Design. Complex visual challenges will be presented, and students will pursue a more sophisticated approach to painting and drawing in the creation of personal and meaningful works of art. It is expected that at the end of the year students will have developed a portfolio of quality artwork that may be presented to colleges.
1 unit of credit. Prerequisite – Studio Art III
The Advanced Placement Art & Design course provides high school students with college level art experiences leading to the completion of a portfolio of work for evaluation by the AP examiners. The course is designed for students who have demonstrated maturity and a superior ability to express ideas, concepts, and techniques in two dimensional works of art.
Students create a portfolio of work to demonstrate inquiry through art and design and development of materials, processes, and ideas over the course of a year. Portfolios include works of art and design, process documentation, and written information about the work presented. In May, students submit portfolios for evaluation based on specific criteria, which include skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas and sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision, guided by questions.
Students who are highly motivated, who have had successful experiences in previous art courses, and who are willing to devote considerable outside class time to their artwork are good candidates for this course.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Advanced Studio Art
In this course students will develop an understanding of how to create artwork that expresses each artist’s creative vision through computer design programs (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator). Students will be challenged to develop their visual and critical thinking skills through computer based art projects; learning how graphic design and digital media has influenced our everyday life in various dimensions.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
*Meets computer literacy requirement
Digital Photography is an introduction to the use of the digital camera and the electronic darkroom to create photography-based digital art (Adobe Lightroom Classic & Adobe Photoshop). Students develop their photographic eye with a camera through a series of challenges focused on composition and point-of-view. In-class work challenges students to explore the infinite capabilities of digital technology to select, adjust, edit, correct, restore, combine, manipulate, transform and re-present their photographic images.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Digital Design; Grades 10-12
*Meets computer literacy requirement.
This is an introductory college-level course in art history. Students are expected to engage in a high level of writing, reading, and discussion-based learning. The class surveys painting, sculpture, and architecture from the ancient world to the present with an emphasis on understanding the visual arts as universal human expression. Through critical analysis, students will develop an understanding of the historical and cultural contexts of art. The class will culminate with the taking of the AP Art History Exam in May.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: 10th grade students may enroll with recommendation from the guidance counselor, department chair, or instructor.
Fashion Illustration is an introductory class in design and illustration. Students will learn about the process of design, and the history and relevance of fashion as well as challenges in design inspiration, concept development, fashion illustration, and fashion digital studio - students will take part in each stage of the fashion design process.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Grades 10-12 and Studio Art I or Art 9
This Course includes the study of house and building planning, design, and construction. Students will design and develop floor and elevation plans. Projects may also include section/plot plans or scale models. The class will begin with traditional hand drafting and progress to working in a digital format.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Grades 10-12
*Meets computer literacy requirement.
There is more to putting on a play than just acting! Find out what goes on behind the scenes. Different styles of set design and construction using a variety of tools, painting techniques, and special stage effects will be introduced. The course will also cover lighting techniques and various roles of the backstage crew.
NOTE: This class is offered on a flexible schedule basis
½ unit of credit No prerequisite. Meets ½ credit of Art/Music/Drama or Practical Arts requirement.
FILM AND VIDEO - Semester Course
In this course, students will balance watching and learning about the history of film and influential filmmakers, while learning about storytelling, composition and editing techniques to produce creative personal video projects (using Adobe Premiere). The wide selection of films viewed illustrate various techniques and examine the art of filmmaking in order to give the student a deeper appreciation for the cultural and aesthetic impacts that film has in our society, and how they can contribute to it.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Grades 10-12. Meets computer literacy requirement. Meets requirement of ½ credit Art/Music/Drama or computer literacy
In this course, students will continue watching and learning about the history of film through the lens of influential filmmakers that have broken new ground in storytelling and techniques. In this class, there will be more of an emphasis on individual creative video projects that will allow students to pursue their own interest in genre and subject matter.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Film And Video I.
*Meets requirement of ½ credit of Art/Music/Drama or computer literacy
Course Offerings 2025-26
Whether you're dreaming of Broadway, looking to sharpen your acting chops, or just want to have fun and build confidence, drama classes have something for everyone! From nailing your first monologue to creating hilarious improv scenes or delivering speeches that wow your audience, you’ll learn skills that go far beyond the stage.
This course is the perfect starting point for anyone new to acting, as it is designed for students with limited experience, offering a supportive environment to explore the basics of acting through fun physical, vocal, and mental exercises. In addition, it will help you explore your imagination, storytelling skills, and build confidence while learning essential life skills such as collaboration, focus, and communication. Through solo and small group performances in class (but no public performances), you’ll develop the tools to express yourself and connect with others. With an open mind and a willingness to try new things, you’ll walk away with a strong foundation to shine on stage—or wherever life takes you next!
½ unit of credit No prerequisite; Semester course Meets requirement of Art/Drama/Music credit
This full-year course is designed for students eager to refine their craft and delve deeper into the art of theatre. Through scene work, monologues, improvisation, theatre games, directing, and playwriting, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of various theatrical styles while honing their performance abilities. Students are allowed to repeat the course, which will enable them to build on their existing skills with new challenges and projects each year. As part of the course, students will prepare a short play which will be performed at one of the elementary schools.
1 unit of credit Prerequisites: any theatre course that was previously completed or participation in the middle school drama.
Year Course Meets requirement of Art/Drama/Music credit
The objective of this course is to learn and practice effective delivery of speeches for a variety of purposes and audiences. Students will engage in activities focusing on their voice, body language, and speech preparation and perform the following types of speeches: introductory, informative, demonstration, persuasive, and special occasions. You will be expected to participate in class as speaker and as an audience member.
½ unit of credit No prerequisites; Semester course Meets requirement of Art/Drama/Music credit
Building upon PUBLIC SPEAKING I, this course will focus on honing and cementing students' abilities to deliver impactful speeches through theoretical learning, practical exercises, and presentation opportunities. Students will develop their confidence, stage presence, and delivery skills with emphasis placed on advanced public speaking techniques such as delivering persuasive speeches, impromptu speaking, debate, poetry, dramatic storytelling, radio & podcast, and engaging with different audiences. Students will continue to build foundational best practices with visual aids, vocal variety, body language, and effective storytelling techniques to captivate and motivate their audience.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Public Speaking I; Semester course
*Meets requirement of Art/Drama/Music credit
Learn how to tune up your listening skills and create scenes FAST on your feet by exploring the art of improv on stage! This course is designed to enhance the actor’s range, imagination, spontaneity, physical choices and sensory awareness. Students learn to skillfully interact and respond to fellow players. Coursework introduces a series of physical and mental exercises as well as nonverbal and verbal problem-solving that specifically explores relationships. Actors will explore other performance arts in relation to improv such as pantomime and sketch comedy, and will learn to integrate improvisation into their acting technique.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
*Semester course Meets requirement of Art/Drama/Music credit
The study of Music at North High includes many course offerings and performance opportunities! Students are encouraged to explore their interests through performance, music theory, and classes that provide creative opportunities. If you have any questions, please email Dr. Pamela Levy, Department Head of Fine and Performing Arts.
CONCERT CHOIR is a large ensemble for students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 who love to sing! No audition is required. The ensemble works on repertoire of all types with a strong emphasis on learning to read music. NYSSMA preparation is included in the course, which can lead to being selected for the prestigious All County and All State festivals. Attendance at all concert performance dates is required to receive credit. Students will perform at the Winter, Valentine Pops, and Spring Artfest concerts, as well as community events and other performances. This class meets every day.
1 unit of credit Open to all students grades 9-12
No prerequisite
Meets Art/Drama/Music requirement.
This course is for the student in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 who loves to sing and enjoys a challenging musical experience. No audition is required. NYSSMA preparation is included in the course, which lead to being selected for the prestigious All County and All State festivals. Musicianship skills are emphasized such as sight-reading and conducting. Music will be studied from the Renaissance to the 21st Century such as Monteverdi, Bach, Brahms, Mozart, Poulenc, and Rutter. Students will perform at the Winter and Spring Artfest concerts, as well as community events and other performances.
1 unit of credit. Open to all students grades 9-12
No prerequisite
Meets Art/Drama/Music requirement.
Do you have ideas for creating songs and would like to understand how to write them down? This course will introduce the art and craft of songwriting through the study of harmony, melody, lyrics, rhythm, tempo, key, texture, and structure. In addition, the course will cover elements of music production and marketing. There will be a showcase at the end of the semester.
1/2 unit of credit Open to all students grades 9-12
Semester course No prerequisite
*Meets computer literacy requirement
This course will provide instruction and opportunities to perform for students who have already had several years of studying piano. Students will study composers by the masters; Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, Debussy, and others. There will be at least one recital during the term.
1/2 unit of credit Open to all students grades 9-12
Semester course No prerequisite
Meets Art/Drama/Music requirement
Would you like to learn how to sing, or to improve your voice? The Voice class meets every day and is open to all students. No audition or prerequisite is required. The purpose of the course is to help you realize your talent by studying different styles such as musical theatre, pop, rock, jazz, opera, and art song. The class will consist of vocal technique, sight reading, preparation for concerts, competitions, and college auditions. In addition, students will have the opportunity to perform at community events.
1/2 unit of credit Open to All Students grade 9-12
Semester course No prerequisite
Meets Art/Drama/Music requirement
Do you love to listen to music?! This course is designed for students who enjoy listening and learning about music! Students will develop skills in critical listening, as they will discuss different styles of music. A primary focus of the course is a rich history of popular music along with discussion and analysis of current pop music and industry trends.
1/2 unit of credit Open to All Students grade 9-12
Semester course No prerequisite
Meets Art/Drama/Music requirement
This course is an introduction to learning the elements of music; notes, rhythms, time signatures, chords, melody, harmony, and other topics. As students master the material they will learn to score music through using a computer program (Noteflight) which will enable them to produce original compositions. This course is a prerequisite for AP Music Theory.
1/2 unit of credit Open to All Students grade 9-12
Semester course No prerequisite
Meets Art/Drama/Music requirement
*Meets computer literacy requirement
This course is for the student interested in the advanced study of music. Having experience playing an instrument or being in chorus for several years is optimal. This course will include the study of four part writing, analysis, and musical style, along with practice in ear training, sight singing, and musicianship. The AP test is required for completion of the course.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Foundational study in Music Theory, or Music Theory and Technology, an interview with the instructor.
Meets Music/Art/Drama requirement
Enrollment in CONCERT BAND is available to all woodwind, brass and percussion students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. Students remain in Concert Band for as many terms until they qualify for Symphony Band. All members of the CONCERT BAND are encouraged to participate in additional music opportunities such as chamber music, pep band, jazz ensemble, musical pit orchestra, and to prepare solo compositions for the NYSSMA Solo Evaluation Festival, which can lead to being selected for the prestigious All County and All State performing ensembles.
1 unit of credit Prerequisites: Participation in the 8th grade Band, recommendation from a music teacher, or audition with the band director. Meets Music/Art/Drama requirement
Enrollment in the SYMPHONY BAND is available to all woodwind, brass and percussion students in grades 10, 11 and 12 who have successfully completed CONCERT BAND requirements. Students remain in the Symphonic Band subject to satisfactory performance. All members of the SYMPHONY BAND are encouraged to participate in additional music opportunities such as chamber music, pep band, jazz ensemble, musical pit orchestra, and to prepare solo compositions for the NYSSMA Solo evaluation Festival, which can lead to being selected for the prestigious All County and All State performing ensembles and/or All Eastern select ensembles.
1 unit of credit Prerequisites: Participation for at least 2 semesters in the CONCERT BAND; Recommendation from the BAND director
Meets Music/Art/Drama requirement
Enrollment in CONCERT ORCHESTRA is available to all ninth grade string players. Students remain in Concert Orchestra for as many terms as necessary until they qualify for SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, subject to a satisfactory performance. The course is designed for ninth grade string students as well as for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders who need foundational instruction in string techniques. Membership in the CONCERT ORCHESTRA entails mandatory attendance at all scheduled performances. In addition, students in the Concert Orchestra are encouraged to participate in the Jazz Orchestra, Pit Orchestra, and to prepare solo compositions for the NYSSMA Solo Evaluation festival, which can lead to being selected for the prestigious All County and All State performing ensembles.
1 unit of credit Prerequisites: Participation in the 8th grade ORCHESTRA; Recommendation from a music teacher
Meets Music/Art/Drama requirement
Enrollment in the Symphony Orchestra is available to all string players who have successfully completed the CONCERT ORCHESTRA Class requirements. Wind and percussion players should not register for Symphony Orchestra. Students remain in the SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA subject to satisfactory performance. Challenging works of the string orchestra repertoire (NYSSMA ratings IV-VI) are studied and performed. Membership in the Symphony Orchestra requires mandatory attendance at all scheduled performances. Members of the SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA are encouraged to register for the CHAMBER MUSIC class, audition for the Jazz Orchestra, and Pit Orchestras. They also have the opportunity to prepare solo compositions to participate in the NYSSMA Solo Evaluation Festival, which can lead to being selected for the prestigious All County and All State performing ensembles.
1 unit of credit Prerequisites: Participation for at least 2 semesters in the CONCERT ORCHESTRA. Recommendation from the ORCHESTRA director
Meets Music/Art/Drama requirement
Enrollment in CHAMBER MUSIC is available to all students who play string, woodwind, brass, percussion, and keyboard instruments. The class meets every school day from 7:15-7:57 am. The course is designed for student musicians already registered for on of the core Instrumental classes such as SYMPHONY BAND, SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, CONCERT ORCHESTRA, or CONCERT BAND, who wish to develop instrumental techniques necessary to perform in a chamber ensemble.
1 unit of credit Prerequisites: Co-Enrollment in CONCERT BAND, SYMPHONY BAND, CONCERT ORCHESTRA, OR SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and/or approval by the department chair.
Meets Music/Art/Drama requirement
Health Education
Health Education is a multi-faceted curriculum for our students who are confronted with a myriad of complex and perplexing health problems, decisions, and responsibilities and who must be able to solve problems and meet responsibilities during an era marked by rapid scientific and technological advances as well as changing social conditions. We hope this curriculum will enhance the awareness of students physically, socially, and psychologically so they may learn to cope with daily living. Thus, we can help them make sound value judgments about how to live in today’s as well as tomorrow’s society.
HEALTH 9 - Semester Course for Freshman
This comprehensive health course is designed to meet the specific needs of the ninth grade student. We know that the high school years are dynamic ones, which expose students to many new experiences that require major personal decisions. Health 9 responds to the ninth grader’s unique needs by offering a mandated program that will help them create a healthier, more successful high school experience through prevention. Our focus is to develop critical thinking, decision making, coping and assertiveness skills in an open, student oriented setting.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite.
HEALTH 9 - Offered on alternate days for the year
See above description.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite.
HEALTH 11 - Semester Course for Juniors
This course builds on the functional and skill- based knowledge introduced in Health 9, focusing on physical emotional, social, and intellectual issues faced by an older adolescent as they complete their last years of high school and move on to higher education, the job market, and a more independent lifestyle. Students will utilize reliable resources and statistics to identify root causes for current health trends, and develop proactive strategies for maintaining and incorporating health and wellness into their lifestyles. This course satisfies the New York State requirement for graduation
½ unit of credit No prerequisite.
HEALTH 11 - Semester Course for Seniors
This course is designed for seniors who have not taken health in their junior year.
½ unit of credit No prerequisite
Peer Leadership is a program in which select upperclassmen serve as mentors to 9th graders and the entire school community. Health Peer Leadership blends the content of Health 11 with the development of leadership skills, all within the framework of the New York State Health curriculum. Students selected to participate in the program will examine what makes an effective leader and learn how to develop techniques and strategies to improve their leadership skills. Students will utilize these skills during 9th grade advisory sessions as they lead discussions each Wednesday morning during the fall semester.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Application, possible interview and selection by committee
Library Media Center
At the Great Neck North High School Library, we redefine the traditional library experience. It's not just a place for books; it's a vibrant hub where academic support and creative exploration converge. Our team of dedicated librarians offer personalized assistance, guiding students through every stage of their academic journey. From in-depth research to the final touches on assignments, we ensure every student navigates their responsibilities with confidence and success.
At North High's Library, we represent a powerhouse of learning resources. Our collections are vast and varied, featuring an extensive array of print and digital books that span from classic literature to the latest scientific publications. However, our resources extend beyond just books. We provide access to a wide range of scholarly journals and comprehensive online databases, making it easier for students to engage in deep and diverse research. Our digital resources are constantly updated, ensuring that students have access to the most current information and tools.
The library’s environment is designed to cater to different learning styles and needs. Quiet zones offer a sanctuary for students who need a distraction-free space for deep concentration. For those who thrive in collaborative settings, we have group study areas that encourage discussion and idea sharing.
Furthermore, the heart and soul of North High's Library are our librarians and library staff. Far more than caretakers of our book collections, they are the architects of academic success and invaluable allies in the educational journey of every student. With their extensive knowledge in research methodologies and a deep understanding of the vast array of resources available, they play a crucial role in guiding students through the complex landscape of information. Always approachable and eager to assist, they offer personalized research advice, help in navigating digital and print resources, and provide tailored support in utilizing these academic tools effectively. Their commitment to fostering a supportive and resource-rich environment is instrumental in helping students not just find information, but also in developing the critical skills needed to analyze and use it effectively, preparing them for a lifetime of learning and discovery.
Our role extends beyond being a standalone resource; we actively collaborate with teachers and classes to enrich the educational landscape of our school. This partnership is rooted in the shared goal of enhancing student learning and engagement.
Our librarians work closely with teachers to develop tailored resources and materials that complement the curriculum. Whether it's curating book lists for specific subjects, providing access to specialized databases for research projects, or organizing thematic displays in line with current classroom topics, we ensure that our library's resources are aligned with and responsive to classroom needs.
We also host class visits to the library, where students can engage in guided research sessions, learn information literacy skills, and participate in interactive workshops that reinforce classroom learning. These sessions are customized to the unique requirements of each class and subject, providing hands-on experiences that deepen students' understanding and interest in various topics.
The Library is a dynamic collaborative space, bridging the gap between classroom learning and library resources. We are committed to working hand-in-hand with teachers to create an integrated learning environment that supports, challenges, and inspires our students.
At North High's Library, we believe in nurturing the creative spirit of every student. Our library is not just a haven for academic pursuit but a vibrant center for artistic and technological exploration. Whether they're designing stunning visuals using tools like Cricut, experimenting with sound on professional DJ equipment, bringing ideas to life with our 3D printers, or stepping into the role of a filmmaker in our fully-equipped TV studio, students can unleash their creativity in our Makerspace.
Our library is a dynamic space where students can explore and develop their artistic abilities, learn new skills, and express themselves in myriad ways. We are dedicated to providing an environment where the imagination is encouraged to soar, and creative boundaries are pushed, enabling our students to become not just consumers of content, but creators and innovators in their own right.
At North High's Library, we recognize that education extends beyond academic achievement and includes personal growth and well-being. Our library serves as a sanctuary for relaxation and intellectual enrichment beyond the confines of a traditional classroom. We offer a selection of mind-stimulating puzzles and games, which provide not only a break from the rigors of academic study but also an opportunity to develop critical thinking, strategic planning, and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way. In addition, our arts and crafts stations allow students to express themselves artistically and explore their imaginative potentials. The blend of intellectual and creative activities creates a dynamic and interactive environment, where learning is not just academic but also playful and exploratory, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.
Great Neck North High's Library is more than a resource center; it's a dynamic space that nurtures the whole student. It is a place where relaxation, personal growth, enrichment, and community engagement all come together, making it an integral part of the students’ educational journey.
News Media Literacy is a dynamic, interactive and collaborative half-year course designed to provide students with the critical thinking skills required to navigate the complex landscape of modern news media and information dissemination. Through the exploration of various media platforms, students will learn to discern credible information from misinformation, understand the impact of media bias, analyze the role of journalism in society and determine if the information shared inside and outside of journalism is credible. The course will cover topics such as media ownership, the influence of social media, civic responsibility, ethical journalism practices, and the role of the news in shaping public opinion. Students will engage in discussions, research projects, and practical exercises that will enhance their ability to critically evaluate news sources and their content.
1/2 unit of credit Prerequisite: No prerequisite
*This course meets the Computer Literacy requirement
The courses offered in the Mathematics Department are designed to give you the necessary experience to prepare for college entrance or entry to the world of work. Three units of mathematics are required for graduation; all courses are applicable toward this requirement. A three-year sequence may be satisfied by any three units of credit earned in this department.
All courses will introduce students to analysis of functions graphically, numerically, algebraically, and verbally and incorporate appropriate use of technology. Those students in Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus Honors may be recommended for AP Statistics, AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC.
This course is designed to give students a solid foundation in the mathematical concepts needed to prepare them for Algebra 1. Students' arithmetic competence is extended to working with algebraic expressions and solving equations.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
This course, which is the first in the NYS three-year sequence for Mathematics, has algebra as its focal point but includes a strong problem-solving component. Data analysis is included. Common Core exam required.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Math 8
Students recommended by their Math 8 teachers as needing additional instruction to master the concepts and skills of Algebra 1 will take this course concurrently with their Algebra 1 course. This class meets on alternate days.
Prerequisite: Math 8 and teacher recommendation
This second course in the New York State three-year sequence for Mathematics will introduce students to the study of geometric relationships. Reasoning and proof will be used formally and informally to illustrate concepts and solve problems. Common Core exam required.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra and teacher recommendation
Students recommended by their Algebra 1 teacher as needing additional instruction to master the concepts of geometric relationships. The students take this course concurrently with their Geometry course. The class meets on alternate days.
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 and teacher recommendation
This course is designed for students whose performance in Algebra has been consistently above average and who possess keen mathematical insight. The Geometry content from the New York State syllabus will be covered in depth and with enrichment. Common Core exam required.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 with a minimum course grade of 90, a minimum of 90 on Algebra Common Core exam and teacher recommendation.
Students recommended by their Algebra 1 teacher as needing additional instruction to fine tune their understanding of Algebra and apply this knowledge to understand the concepts of Geometry will take this course. This course meets once a day. There is no Regents exam at the end of this course.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 and teacher recommendation
This course is the third of the math courses required for the NYS Regents Diploma. The course includes advanced algebra topics, higher order analysis of functions, probability and statistics. The Algebra Common Core Regents exam is required.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry and teacher recommendation
Students recommended by their Geometry teachers as needing additional instruction to master the concepts of Algebra2/ Trigonometry will take this course which includes an extra period of Math on alternate days. Regents exam is required.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry and teacher recommendation.
This course will contain the third segment in a three year sequence as described by New York State. The accelerated pace of this course will be appropriate for only the most serious and mature mathematics students. Regents exam is required.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry Honors with a grade of 90 or above in each course and in each Regents with teacher recommendation.
This course is the first year of a two year curriculum that examines advanced algebra topics and analysis of various functions. Students who take this course will take the Algebra 2 CC exam in the second year of this course.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra/Geometry Connections or Geometry CC and teacher recommendation
This course is intended for the student who plans to continue his/her study with AP Calculus in the future. Students who demonstrate a mastery of the topics in algebra and trigonometry should consider this course. Evidence of this mastery would be indicated by
1) A final average of “A” along with a Regents exam grade of at least 90 in Algebra 2 / Trigonometry.
2) Teacher recommendation.
Throughout the course the graphing of functions and relations will be emphasized since the mastery of these skills are essential to the calculus. Among the topics to be studied are: functions - absolute value, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and multi-defined -conic sections, polar coordinates, sequences and series, limits and continuity, derivatives and applications of derivatives.
The student should be able to extract application techniques from the concepts taught with minimal guidance from the teacher. Students will be expected to have a mastery of basic and intermediate textbook problems. Students should anticipate a higher level of challenge in the Pre-Calculus Honors class than in a Pre-Calculus class.
The student will take a departmental final in June.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Grade of 90 or better in Algebra 2 CC honors and teacher recommendation.
This course is the second year of a two year curriculum that examines advanced algebra topics and analysis of various functions. Students who take this course will take the Algebra 2 CC exam at the end of January and will continue with topics of mathematics that will better prepare them for college mathematics.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 2.1 and teacher recommendation
This course has a dual purpose. It will emphasize those topics that typically are required for a first year college algebra course while it uses problem solving skills that are applicable for basic business practices including interest problems for credit cards, loans and mortgages, making decisions based on statistical data and mathematical modeling.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Emphasis in this course will be on interpretation of statistics in multiple settings including behavioral sciences, medicine, economics, education, and politics. The graphing calculator will be used extensively in all applications. Concepts to be covered include exploratory data analysis, data collection, probability, and inference.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 2 CC and teacher recommendation
A course intended to prepare students for further who plan to take Calculus or college math next year. Topics studied will include but not be limited to: function theory, analytic geometry, curve sketching, limits, continuity and differentiation of algebraic functions. The use of a graphing calculator as a problem-solving tool will be explored.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 2 CC with a final average of 80 or above, and teacher recommendation
This course will include the study of functions, techniques of graphing, limits and continuity, the derivative and its applications, techniques and applications of integration. The emphasis of this course will be on real-world uses of the calculus, with less emphasis on theoretical development than in the advanced placement courses.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Completion of Pre-Calculus and teacher recommendation
This college level course is intended for those students who:
1) Have grade of "A" or "B" in the honors or accelerated sequence.
2) Exhibit a keen insight in mathematics.
3) Have a thorough knowledge of college preparatory mathematics including algebra, axiomatic geometry, trigonometry and analytic geometry.
It is the Department's strong feeling that both intuition and rigor are essential to a proper understanding of mathematics.
The topics covered will include, but are not limited to: Differential Calculus which includes derivatives of polynomial, trigonometry, and logarithmic functions, applications of the derivative such as slope of a curve, curve sketching, velocity and acceleration; Integral Calculus which involves antiderivatives, integration by substitution; the definite integral as a concept of an area, volume, average value of a function, approximating using rectangles or trapezoids, limit of a sum and the fundamental theorem of Calculus.
Students are required to take the Advanced Placement exam in May.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-Calculus Honors or Pre-Calculus with Department recommendation
Those not receiving the department recommendation will be required to meet with counselor, department head, and parents to ensure full awareness of the high level of commitment and skill required to succeed in AP Calculus AB.
The BC Advanced Placement Calculus course is the most rigorous course in the AP Math curriculum. This is a college level course to be chosen by students with:
1) Grades of "A" in the honor sequence.
2) A thorough knowledge of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, elementary functions and analytic geometry.
3) The ability to comprehend new mathematical techniques and concepts on a daily basis.
4) The ability to work clearly and accurately with problems that are multi-faceted.
5) The ability to discuss math problems, along with solutions provided by fellow students; the time, energy and commitment to devote to a demanding, in depth, intellectually challenging course.
All of the topics in Calculus AB are covered. In addition, sequences and series, vector functions, polar functions, arc length, improper integrals, greater depth in limits, integration and other topics. The College Board description generalizes: Calculus AB is given a full year's college credit and Calculus BC is designed for placement one college semester beyond that.
Students are required to take the Advanced Placement exam in May.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-Calculus Honors or AB Calculus with Department recommendation
Those not receiving the department recommendation will be required to meet with counselor, department head, and parents to ensure full awareness of the high level of commitment and skill required to succeed in AP Calculus BC.
This college level course is intended for those students who:
1) Have completed Algebra 2 Honors or Pre-Calculus with minimum grade of 90 and have the recommendation of their teacher or have completed Algebra 2 with a minimum grade of 95 with both teacher and department chairperson recommendation.
2) Exhibit mathematical insight
The topics for AP Statistics are divided into four major themes: exploratory analysis, planning a study, probability, and statistical inference. This course adheres to the philosophy and methods of modern data analysis; use of computers and graphing calculators is essential.
Important components of the course in addition to lecture and reading of the textbook will include use of technology, projects and laboratories, cooperative group problem solving, and writing as a part of concept-oriented instruction and assessment.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Algebra 2 Honors or Pre-Calculus with a minimum grade of 90 with teacher recommendation or Algebra 2 with a minimum grade of 95 with both teacher and Department Chairperson recommendation.
Those not receiving the department recommendation will be required to meet with counselor, department head, and parents to ensure full awareness of the high level of commitment and skill required to succeed in AP Statistics.
This course is a half-year elective in math, with the option of taking the course in both semesters. Topics covered in the first semester will not be repeated in the second. The topics introduced will be independent of the Pre-Calculus/Calculus curriculums and will not require prerequisite knowledge from those courses.
This course is designed for advanced students who wish to examine some non-traditional high school math topics including linear algebra, number theory, mathematical induction, number systems, non-Euclidean geometry, graph theory and combinatorics.
½ unit of credit each semester Prerequisite: Completion of Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus Honors. Teacher recommendation required.
The courses offered in the Mathematics Department are designed to give you the necessary experience to prepare for college entrance or entry to the world of work. Three units of mathematics are required for graduation; all courses are applicable toward this requirement. A three-year sequence may be satisfied by any three units of credit earned in this department.
All courses will introduce students to analysis of functions graphically, numerically, algebraically, and verbally and incorporate appropriate use of technology. Those students in Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus Honors may be recommended for AP Statistics, AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC.
This course will introduce students to the field of robotics and curriculum will focus on electronic, mathematical, and physics-based concepts. Programming and building robots require the use of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) applications. Students will also learn fundamental programming concepts and scientific method and inquiry techniques. The robotics industry will be explored and students may have the opportunity to participate in robotics competitions.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: None but Priority given to 11th & 12th graders
This course will provide an in-depth study of the field of robotics and the curriculum will focus on electronic, mathematical, and physics-based concepts. Programming and building robots requires the use of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) applications. Student will also learn fundamental programming concepts and scientific method and inquiry techniques. The robotics industry will be explored and students may have the opportunity to participate in robotics competitions.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: Successful completion of Robotics 1
Physical Education
All students are required to take and pass 8 consecutive semesters of Physical Education in order to graduate from Great Neck North H.S. Students who have medical excuses from Physical Education are assigned to regular Physical Education classes, and activities will be adapted according to the recommendation of the physician, school nurse and Physical Education department. According to law, all students must report to physical education when they are scheduled to do so, regardless of the medical problem.
9th Grade Curriculum
This curriculum focuses on all areas of physical education including team sports, weight training, cooperative games, net sports, fitness and ethics in sports. All 9th grade students are required to take this curriculum during their first year at NHS. This is a separate curriculum exclusively for our 9th grade students.
10th – 12th Grade Curriculum
Students in the upper grades are given greater options in their physical education program. In classes with multiple teachers, and/or in team taught classes, each student will be given an opportunity to choose what type of activity they will be taking for each quarter. Choices in 10-12 grades include:
- Team Sports - Football, Basketball, Hand Ball, Broom Hockey, Ultimate Frisbee, Softball and Volleyball.
- Net Sports - Badminton, Pickle ball, Volleyball
- Dance - Salsa, Hip Hop, Modern, Latin, Jazz. Students will choreograph and design dance routines.
- Life Fitness Activities - Cardio Fitness, Strength Training, Yoga, Pilates, Core Strength Training, and Interval Training.
- Cooperative Games and Project Adventure
Morning Fitness – This class is open to all 10th-12th grade students who participate in our athletics program. It meets from 6:55-7:45, two times per week in the small gym at North High School. This is a weight training class specifically geared towards improving athletic performance.
Students are invited to participate in our extensive athletic program as a member of either an intramural or interscholastic team.
Boys and girls who are interested in intramurals which are held each day between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. should consult with their physical education teacher. In most sports there are also opportunities to try out for positions on the varsity interscholastic teams. Girls may compete on boy's teams as authorized by the Commissioner of Education. A listing of our typical sports offerings is printed on the next page.
J.V.B. |
7:00 A.M. - 7:50 A.M. |
2:45 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. |
7:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. |
Introduction to NYSSLS
New York State has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), referred to in New York as the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS). While the essential content of our science courses remains aligned with longstanding scientific principles, the teaching and learning approach has transformed significantly.
What Does This Mean in the Classroom?
- Inquiry-Based Learning: Students engage with hands-on, discovery-oriented tasks, analyzing unfamiliar scenarios, asking questions, constructing explanations, and planning investigations.
- Collaborative Exploration: Students work in teams to design experiments, collect and analyze data, build evidence-based arguments, and model complex systems.
- Critical Thinking & Resilience: The NYSSLS encourage students to embrace trial-and-error. Failure is reframed as part of the scientific process—an opportunity to refine methods and deepen understanding.
- Real-World Applications: Lessons and assessments connect directly to authentic scientific phenomena, mirroring the practices and thinking processes of working scientists.
New Exams and Investigations
Under the NYSSLS, New York State Regents Exams in Living Environment, Chemistry, and (eventually) Physics are shifting toward scenario-based questions and performance tasks that require higher-order thinking and application. Students can expect:
- Integrated Content & Skills: Rather than isolated fact-recall, the new exams emphasize scientific reasoning, experimental design, data interpretation, and crosscutting concepts (e.g., patterns, cause and effect).
- Performance & Inquiry Tasks: Labs and investigations are embedded in the curriculum. Students pose questions, gather evidence, propose explanations, and often relate their findings to broader contexts.
- Critical Reading of Scientific Texts: Exam questions frequently include passages or data sets from authentic scientific sources, asking students to interpret and apply the information.
As we implement these changes, teachers will guide students in developing the confidence, resilience, and critical thinking skills needed for genuine scientific inquiry.
Typical Science Sequence for the CLASS OF 2026 through 2028 at North High:
9th grade |
10th grade |
11th grade |
12th grade |
Physics 9
- Living Environment 10 - Regents Chemistry - Honors Chemistry |
- Regents Biology - Honors Biology - AP Biology - Science Elective |
- Science Elective - Regents Physics - AP Courses |
Physics Honors 9 |
- Regents Chemistry - Honors Chemistry - AP Chemistry |
- Regents Biology - Honors Biology - AP Biology |
- Science Electives - AP Courses |
AP Physics 1 |
- Regents Chemistry - Honors Chemistry - AP Chemistry |
- Regents Biology - Honors Biology - AP Biology |
- Science Electives - AP Courses |
Typical Science Sequence for the CLASS OF 2029 and after:
While students’ individual paths may vary, the common science progression at North High often follows one of these routes:
Grade 9 |
Grade 10 |
Grade 11 |
Grade 12 |
Living Environment - Biology |
- Conceptual Chemistry - Regents Chemistry - Honors Chemistry |
- Conceptual Physics - Regents Physics - AP Physics 1 - Science Elective |
- Science Elective - AP Courses - by recommendation or self selection |
Biology Honors |
- Regents Chemistry - Honors Chemistry - AP Chemistry |
- Regents Physics - AP Physics 1 - Other Science APs |
- Science Elective - AP Courses - by recommendation or self selection |
AP Biology |
- Regents Chemistry - Honors Chemistry - AP Chemistry |
- Regents Physics - AP Physics 1 - Other Science APs |
- Science Elective - AP Courses - by recommendation or self selection |
- Many students will take Living Environment - Biology in 9th grade and then progress through Chemistry in 10th and Physics in 11th, adding electives or AP courses in upper grades.
- Students in accelerated programs or with strong recommendations may begin Honors Biology or AP Biology in 9th grade, then proceed to higher-level Chemistry or Physics courses in subsequent years.
- Placement is subject to teacher recommendations and department approval.
Student Course Placement
Each year, science teachers recommend courses based on:
- Academic Performance: Current science and math grades, along with consistent work habits.
- Student Behaviors & Engagement: Note-taking, participation in lab work, seeking extra help, willingness to grapple with challenging topics.
- Teacher Observations & Recommendations: Professional judgment about a student’s readiness for course rigor and independence.
Self-Select Policy
If a student is not recommended for an Advanced Placement (AP) course, they may self-select into one AP course per year after:
- Obtaining a self-select form from the guidance counselor and collecting signatures (parent/guardian, counselor, science department chair).
- Meeting with the department chair to discuss potential benefits and challenges.
- Submitting the completed form to guidance on time.
Important: Changing courses mid-year can result in significant schedule changes (teacher, period, or both), and space in alternate classes is not guaranteed. Consider these factors carefully before choosing self-select.
Meeting Times & Credits
- Regents, Honors, and AP Science Classes (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental) meet every day for one period plus one laboratory period every other day.
- Science Electives meet one period per day without an additional lab period.
- All full-year science courses award 1 unit of credit upon successful completion.
Course Descriptions
Below are the main science course offerings at North High. All courses are aligned with the NYSSLS and emphasize inquiry-based learning, real-world applications, and the development of scientific skills.
Grade 9 Courses
Living Environment (Regents Biology)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Earth Science in 8th grade.
Course Description:
- Foundational biology course covering cell structure, genetics, evolution, ecology, and human body systems.
- Emphasizes hands-on labs, data collection, and real-world problem solving in alignment with NYSSLS.
Student Skills for Success:
- Consistent study habits, regular review of notes, and active classroom participation.
- Engagement in labs and collaborative work with peers.
Culminating Assessments:
- Living Environment Regents Exam (NYSSLS-aligned).
Honors Biology (Available to 9th and 11th Grade)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Department recommendation (includes prior high performance in science and math)
Course Description:
- Accelerated pace covering the same NYSSLS Living Environment topics but in significantly greater depth.
- Includes advanced lab investigations, more rigorous data analysis, and additional molecular biology topics.
Student Skills for Success:
- Strong problem-solving, scientific writing, and independent reading of scientific texts.
- High motivation and willingness to tackle challenging tasks.
Culminating Assessments:
- Living Environment Regents Exam (NYSSLS-aligned).
AP Biology (Available to 9th, 11th, and 12th Grade)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Department recommendation (based on exceptional science performance in prior coursework)
Course Description:
- College-level biology course covering biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, ecology, physiology, and evolution.
- Intensive, inquiry-based labs and rigorous critical-thinking activities.
Student Skills for Success:
- Strong self-direction, advanced reading comprehension, and high-level analytical skills.
- Significant daily study and time management to handle the rapid pace and volume of material.
Culminating Assessments:
- AP Biology Exam in May.
- Living Environment Regents Exam in June (for those needing Regents credit).
Grade 10 Courses
Conceptual Chemistry
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Living Environment or Biology course
Course Description:
- Parallel to Regents Chemistry topics (atomic structure, bonding, solutions, acid-base chemistry) at a slower pace with focus on conceptual understanding.
- Hands-on lab and project-based learning without the pressure of the Regents exam.
Student Skills for Success:
- Consistent engagement, organized study habits, and willingness to ask questions.
- Collaboration during labs and group activities.
Culminating Assessments:
- Local final exam or project (no Regents exam).
Regents Chemistry
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Living Environment or Biology, plus department recommendation
Course Description:
- NYSSLS-aligned exploration of core chemistry topics: atomic structure, periodic trends, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, solutions, and acid-base reactions.
- Emphasizes inquiry-driven labs, conceptual understanding, and practical applications.
Student Skills for Success:
- Organized notes, regular review of concepts, and active class participation.
- Comfort with basic algebraic problem-solving.
Culminating Assessments:
- New NYSSLS Chemistry Regents Exam in June.
Honors Chemistry
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Strong performance in prior science courses, department recommendation
Course Description:
- Covers all Regents Chemistry topics at an accelerated pace, including advanced problem sets and in-depth lab investigations.
- Prepares students for future AP-level science with more rigorous quantitative and analytical challenges.
Student Skills for Success:
- High self-motivation, strong math skills, and the ability to grasp complex theoretical concepts.
- Willingness to seek clarification, attend extra help, and maintain excellent study habits.
Culminating Assessments:
- NYSSLS Chemistry Regents Exam.
AP Chemistry (Available to 10th, 11th, and 12th Grade)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Department recommendation (high performance in Honors or AP Biology)
Course Description:
- College-level chemistry course covering thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry, and in-depth analysis of reactions.
- Rigorous lab components requiring strong quantitative and critical-thinking skills.
Student Skills for Success:
- Advanced problem-solving, ability to manage extensive reading and lab projects.
- Independence, persistence, and disciplined time management.
Culminating Assessments:
- AP Chemistry Exam in the spring.
- Students may also be required to take the NYSSLS Chemistry Regents Exam (if needed for graduation requirements).
Grade 11 Courses
Conceptual Physics
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Successful completion of two years of science (Biology and Chemistry recommended)
Course Description:
- Introduction to fundamental physics principles (mechanics, energy, waves, electricity, magnetism) with emphasis on qualitative understanding.
- Hands-on, practical demonstrations and real-world examples to develop a conceptual foundation.
Student Skills for Success:
- Curiosity, active participation in discussions and labs, consistent effort on assignments.
Culminating Assessments:
- Local final exam or project (no Regents exam).
Regents Physics (Available to 11th and 12th Grade)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Living Environment and Chemistry (or equivalent), department recommendation
Course Description:
- NYSSLS-aligned quantitative physics exploring motion, forces, energy, electricity, magnetism, and waves.
- Requires significant lab work and problem-solving ability.
Student Skills for Success:
- Strong math background (algebra, basic trigonometry), organized study habits, and engagement in collaborative labs.
Culminating Assessments:
- Regents Physics Exam in June.
AP Physics 1 (Available to 11th and 12th Grade)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: High performance in prior science courses, strong algebra/trigonometry skills, department recommendation
Course Description:
- Algebra-based, college-level physics covering kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, and basic electricity.
- Inquiry-based labs and advanced problem-solving tasks.
Student Skills for Success:
- Willingness to tackle challenging, multi-step problems.
- Independence, persistence, and collaborative lab work.
Culminating Assessments:
- AP Physics 1 Exam in May.
- Regents Physics Exam in June.
Grade 12 and Additional Upper-Level Science Courses
These offerings are typically for 12th graders or accelerated 11th graders, depending on scheduling and teacher recommendations.
AP Biology (for 11th/12th Grade)
- Refer to the AP Biology description under Grade 9 for content and expectations. Typically, juniors or seniors enroll after completing foundational biology and chemistry.
AP Physics C
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Excellence in Honors/AP science courses (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus
Course Description:
- Calculus-based college physics covering mechanics, electricity, and magnetism in depth.
- Requires advanced mathematical skills and extensive problem-solving.
Student Skills for Success:
- Proficiency in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.
- Independence, strong work ethic, and significant outside practice.
Culminating Assessments:
- AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism Exams in May (two separate exams).
AP Environmental Science (12th Grade)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Regents Biology and Regents Chemistry with strong grades; department recommendation
Course Description:
- College-level introductory course in environmental science, covering ecology, biodiversity, climate, pollution, sustainability, and human impacts.
- Emphasizes field studies, lab work, real-world data analysis, and current environmental issues.
Student Skills for Success:
- Interest in environmental topics, collaborative lab work, and readiness for extensive reading and research.
Culminating Assessments:
- AP Environmental Science Exam in May.
Additional Science Electives (Grades 11 & 12)
All electives below are 1-credit, single-period courses (no additional lab) unless noted otherwise. Prerequisites typically include passing Regents Biology and Regents Chemistry (or department approval).
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Focus on human organ systems, disease, and lifestyle impacts.
- Student Skills for Success: Active lab participation, collaboration, regular note-taking.
- Assessments: Projects, presentations, labs, tests.
- Astronomy
- Survey of the universe, galaxies, stars, and cosmology.
- Student Skills for Success: Curiosity, engagement with conceptual and observational exercises.
- Assessments: Projects, presentations, hands-on activities, tests.
- Human Impact and Environmental Relationships
- Explores environmental studies, sustainability, pollution, and ecological issues.
- Student Skills for Success: Investigative mindset, group collaboration, following current environmental events.
- Assessments: Case studies, projects, lab/field investigations, tests.
- Forensic Science
- Applies biology, chemistry, physics, and math to crime scene analysis and evidence interpretation.
- Student Skills for Success: Detail-oriented, strong observational and organizational skills, teamwork.
- Assessments: Lab simulations, projects, presentations on forensic case studies tests.
- Science in Our World I & II
- Non-lab electives focusing on contemporary science issues driven by student interest and current events.
- Student Skills for Success: Comfort with discussion, debate, and project-based learning; willingness to engage with evolving scientific topics.
- Assessments: Research projects, presentations, active participation, and assignments on current scientific developments.
Note: Not all electives run every year. Consult your guidance counselor or the science department chair for availability and scheduling.
Research Program
Below are the three dedicated Research electives, designed for students who wish to pursue independent, original scientific investigations. All research courses require an application and department chair approval due to limited enrollment. Students must meet specific deadlines and be ready for rigorous project work outside regular class hours.
Research 9
Grade Level: 9 (Elective, taken in addition to a regular science course)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Department permission (apply in 8th grade); strong math/science skills and time management
Course Description:
- Teacher mentored program introducing foundational research methods—project design, experimental control, data analysis, literature review, and presentation skills.
- Students work in teams to conduct a psychology project, culminating in a scientific paper, poster board, and multiple presentations.
Student Skills for Success:
- Independence, initiative, strong organizational skills, and a willingness to revise work based on feedback.
- Adherence to deadlines and ability to manage ongoing project tasks.
Culminating Requirements:
- 4 class presentations, poster board, full scientific paper, and participation in the Freshman in-house competition (Freshman World Cup - May).
- Attendance at Senior Symposium (January) and Celebrate Science Night (May) is expected.
Research Project Seminar (Grades 10 & 11)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Department permission; application required. No prior research course is necessary, but strong student skills are essential.
Course Description:
- Teacher mentored program introducing foundational research methods—project design, experimental control, data analysis, literature review, and presentation skills.
- Guides students in developing an independent science or engineering research project, from concept through completion. Juniors may do research projects in outside labs over the summer.
- Emphasizes stepwise development of an idea, literature review, data collection, and formal presentation (paper, presentations, poster).
- Students must enter at least one external science competition which will be determined by the research department.
Student Skills for Success:
- Self-motivation, consistent class attendance and engagement, and strong work ethic.
- Independent problem-solving with ongoing teacher feedback.
Culminating Requirements:
- Full research paper, poster board, 4 presentations, and entry in at least one external competition.
- Attendance at Senior Symposium (January) and Celebrate Science Night (May).
Senior Science Research (Grade 12)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: Department permission; application and interview with the Director of Research required for new entrants; significant independent research completed by September 1 of senior year at an external lab or facility strongly recommended
Course Description:
- Designed for seniors conducting advanced research with a professional mentor over the summer before 12th grade. Mentorship is not required, but is highly recommended.
- Completion of the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) application and paper is required, along with submission to other competitions (LISEF, NYSSEF, JSHS, WAC, etc.) as designated by the Director of Research.
- Students also serve as judges for the Freshman in-house competition and present at the Senior Symposium in January and Celebrate Science Night in May.
Student Skills for Success:
- High level of independence, excellent time management, and strong scientific writing skills.
- Preparedness to engage in complex data collection and analysis, meet competition deadlines, and continually revise work.
- Ability to engage with and understand intricate, complex topics in current research.
Culminating Requirements:
- Submission of Regeneron STS application (formal paper, essays) and entries into additional competitions as appropriate - November of Senior Year.
- Creation of a poster board and slides presentation for the Senior Symposium (January).
- Entrance into additional high level research competitions (JSHS, LISEF, NYSSEF, ISEF), as determined by the Director of Research.
Final Notes
- Students are encouraged to consult with their science teachers and guidance counselors each year to plan the best individual course sequence based on academic performance, interests, and career goals.
- Spaces in upper-level and research courses are limited. Start conversations early if you wish to pursue these opportunities.
- Embrace the NYSSLS spirit: Be willing to explore, experiment, and learn from trial and error—just like professional scientists.
Social Studies
The study of people and events in our world, past, present and future, is so significant and so vast that the following courses in the Social Studies Department can only attempt to provide you with an introduction to your world and to help you develop important skills that might affect meaningful changes.
All students are required to have four years of Social Studies for graduation and are encouraged to take a 5th year elective. Seniors are required by state law to take one semester of Economics and one of Politics and Government. However, these requirements can be met in a variety of ways.
This is the first course in a two-year sequence that culminates in a New York State Global History Regents Examination. The course presents the major historical and cultural events from the Neolithic period through the 18th century. The new exam will cover skills from 9th & 10th grade, but historical materials only from c. Scientific Revolution through the present. Students will work with primary and secondary source documents and develop reading, writing, and analytical skills.
NOTE: SOCIAL STUDIES 9 HONORS – New York State requires that all students complete two years of Global History and Geography. All ninth grade students must complete the Regents curriculum; however, students will be given the opportunity to earn honors credit within their Social Studies class.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Social Studies 8
NOTE: All 9th grade English and Social Studies classes will be paired and scheduled to meet during consecutive periods. This will permit flexible use of class time and grouping of students as well as create opportunities for interdisciplinary projects.
This is the second course in the sequence that culminates in a New York State Global History Regents. The course presents world events from the mid-eighteenth century to the present. Emphasis will be on analysis of primary source documents, writing skills, and preparation for the Regents exam.. The new exam will cover skills from 9th & 10th grade, but historical material from the Scientific Revolution through the present.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Global History I
A.P. World History offers qualified, motivated sophomores the opportunity to “do history” by guiding them through the steps a historian would take in analyzing historical events and evidence worldwide. The course offers balanced global coverage, including Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. This course is rigorous and demanding. It is intended to be a college-level history course and students can expect to spend 7-10 hours per week reading, writing, and analyzing historical material.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Global History I and
Departmental recommendation.
This course traces U. S. History from the formation of our country and the writing of the Constitution to the present. Upon the completion of this course, all students will take the NY State U. S. History Regents exam.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Passage of Global History I & II
The Advanced Placement course in American History is a college- level course designed for those students entering 11th grade who have demonstrated high level critical thinking skills, the ability to write thematic and DBQ essays, and are able to read and synthesize college-level material. Students must be prepared to devote a minimum of seven-ten hours per week of preparation outside the classroom in order to adequately complete the reading and writing assignments.
In May, students will be required to prepare for and take the Advanced Placement Exam in American History. In addition, students will be required to take the NY State Regents exam in American History in June.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Social Studies 10 and Departmental recommendation.
Those not receiving the department’s recommendation will be required to follow the self-selection procedure.
Twelfth grade students must successfully complete one semester of Politics & Government and one semester of Economics. AP Economics, AP European History, and AP US Government are appropriate options for those students who meet the academic requirements and demands of these AP courses. Seniors should also consider the interdisciplinary senior options listed below.
This half-year class aims to provide students with opportunities to become engaged in the political process by acquiring the knowledge and practicing the skills necessary for active citizenship. Over the course of the semester, students will examine local, national, and global examples of political systems at work, civic participation, and the extent to which civil liberties are protected.
This course meets New York State requirements for graduation and is intended for seniors not considered for or interested in AP United States Government.
1/2 unit of credit
This half-year course will examine the basic principles of the United States free-market economy and the relationship between and among individuals, state and federal government, and businesses on a national and global level.
Students will also examine their individual responsibility for managing personal finances, and consider cost-benefit analysis for sound decision making.
This course meets New York State requirements for graduation and is intended for seniors not considered for or interested in AP Economics.
1/2 unit of credit
The AP Economics course is a full-year college level course designed for those students who have demonstrated marked proficiency in the Social Studies area and have an aptitude in math and quantitative analysis.
A minimum of six-eight hours of outside work per week will be required to adequately complete the reading and writing assignments. In addition, students will complete the Politics and Government requirement through community service or research projects. In May, students will be required to prepare for and take both microeconomics and macroeconomics AP Examinations.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Social Studies 11 or AP American
History and Departmental recommendation.
The Advanced Placement European History course is a college level course designed for 12th graders who read and write at a level of freshmen attending selective universities, who work well independently, who have fully developed study skills and who enjoy intellectual discussions in the pursuit of knowledge. The curriculum focuses on the following themes: political, intellectual, cultural, social and economic patterns in the study of seven countries over a span of five hundred years.
Students will develop an appreciation for the art, literature and philosophical contributions made by those who created our Western heritage.
Students will participate in research seminars in Economics and take Politics & Government through an independent study, community service or research projects.
In May, all students will prepare for and take the AP exam in European History.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Social Studies 11 or AP American History and Department recommendation.
The Advanced Placement course in U.S. Government is a full year college level course designed for those students entering 11th or 12th grade who have demonstrated a high level of ability in critical reading, writing, and thinking skills. Students must be prepared to devote a minimum of three-five hours per week of preparation outside of the classroom in order to adequately complete the reading and writing assignments.
In May, students will be required to prepare for and take the Advanced Placement Exam in U.S. Government. This course satisfies the Politics and Government requirements for senior year; however, it does not satisfy the New York State Economics requirement.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Social Studies 10 and Department recommendation
This is a team-taught interdisciplinary class combining Social Studies, English and Business. Students are offered a unique opportunity to explore the social, historical, political and economic trends of a specific American decade while they read literature and examine other media from that time period. Students will also research an area of interest from a particular decade such as music, technology, politics, art, fashion, or business.
SENIOR SEMINAR is a two-period, two credit course program that fulfills the 12th grade English and Social Studies requirements.
2 credits Prerequisite: American History
This full year AP course introduces students to the discipline of psychology and explores the history of psychology, the different theoretical approaches that underline explanations of behavior, and the contemporary research methods used by psychologists.
The course traces the emergence of psychology in the nineteenth century, and covers the development of the major “schools of thought” of psychology. Units include: biological bases of behavior, perception, social psychology, treatments of psychological disorders, consciousness, and learning. Students learn how these approaches guide research and to use statistics in analyzing data. Students will be required to prepare for and take the AP examination in May.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Social Studies 10 Regents and
Department recommendation.
Those not receiving department recommendations will be required to meet with counselor, department head and parents to ensure full awareness of the high level of commitment and skill required to succeed in AP Psychology. This course is offered to qualified juniors and seniors as an elective. This course does not fulfill any New York State requirements.
The study of psychology is often associated with mental illness and/or therapy. Students are usually fascinated by psychology because of their own experiences or the prevalence of mental illness in movies and the media. Psychology is the systematic, scientific study of behaviors and mental processes. In essence, psychologists attempt to explain why people do what they do. This one-semester elective offers students interested in psychology an opportunity to explore some of the more exciting topics in an introductory course, without the demands of the A.P. curriculum and culminating A.P. exam. This course is intended as a companion to Sociology.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: None
The course begins with a study of the individual and society, the development of stereotypes and prejudices and their impact on history and historical decision-making. Students will study the rise of the Nazis, conformity and obedience, the Holocaust, bystanders and rescuers, judgment and the Nuremberg trials, the historical legacies of the Holocaust, and other human rights crises of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The culminating activity of the course will focus on the ability of the individual to choose to participate and to become an upstander in times of crisis.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: None
This course would explore the American past through musicals such Hamilton, Ragtime, 1776, Allegiance, The Civil War, Fiorello, Come From Away, Parade and Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson. While exploring these musicals, students will evaluate what kinds of stories about the American past are being told and what we can learn from these messages. They will ask questions like:
● Whose voices are being heard and who is left out?
● What is the plot, who are the characters of each show and what does each say about the time period when it was produced and what do our reactions say about our own moment in time?
● How do the narratives told in these musicals compare with the narratives told in our history classes?
Curriculum summary:
Course content will be approached thematically and chronologically. Each musical will be introduced with an analysis and overview of the major theme of the musicals, then students will be given the book of the musical to examine the theme and the perspective of each musical, the final stage will be to watch all or excerpts from each musical. The course would focus on:
● Hamilton
● 1776
● Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson
● The Civil War
● Ragtime
● Parade
● Fiorello
● Allegiance
● Come From Away
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: None
New York State requires that high school students take a semester of Politics and Government and a semester of Economics as a fourth year of Social Studies in their senior year. The State accepts a variety of options that fulfill the P&G requirement, one of which is community service. This Introduction to Social Work course will meet New York State requirements for graduation in that, in essence, it will be framed more as a social policy course than [therapeutic] social work, per se. In addition, this course will provide an opportunity for students to be exposed to learning experiences focused on serving others.
Curriculum summary: This course will begin with a brief survey of the history of social work in this country and the formation of social policy. Selected topics will then include:
Settlement House during the Progressive Era; Immigration; Poverty and Homelessness;
Diversity and Social Justice; populations at Risk: racial minorities; women; children; the elderly; LGBT youth; and the disabled.
Selected students will have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits for this course and
1 unit of [high school credit]
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 10th and 11th grade
social studies classes plus passage of BOTH New York State Regents exams: Global History II and United States History and Government.
This course is designed to help students gain knowledge about race as it has been constructed in the United States and around the globe. The curriculum is designed to have students develop an awareness of their own racial socialization and skills for engaging in productive conversations about race, racism, and social justice. Discussions and readings will draw from a variety of the social sciences including history, psychology, political science and sociology. Works of fiction, non-fiction, primary sources, historical documents, current events, art, film, and other forms of media will be incorporated throughout the course to serve as talking points for classroom discourse, research, and presentation, to widen students’ cultural lens. The course will be open to juniors and seniors.
½ unit of credit Prerequisite: None
The Sociology elective focuses on different aspects of human behavior and life. The class focuses on how ethics vary in different cultures, groups and societies, the cultural trends that affect how society operates, and how to work well with people from different backgrounds. Students will also learn about the political and economic aspects of sociology in cultures around the world, what stereotypes and prejudices people from other cultures endure. This course of study will foster students’ developing a clear understanding of how people interact as individuals and in groups on an everyday basis. In this course, students will be able to compare and contrast their daily lives, cultural norms, and their relationship with family and friends with that of other people from around the globe. The course will cover topics such as characteristics of adolescence, dating, types of social interaction, diversity within society, the American class system and urban life.
½ Unit of Credit Prerequisite: None
AP Comparative Government and Politics is an introductory college-level course in comparative government and politics. The course uses a comparative approach to examine the political structures; policies; and political, economic, and social challenges of six selected countries: China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Students cultivate their understanding of comparative government and politics through analysis of data and text-based sources as they explore topics like power and authority, legitimacy and stability, democratization, internal and external forces, and methods of political analysis.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: None
Advanced Placement Macroeconomics is a college level course where students will explore various principles of economics including economic indicators and the business cycle, employment and inflation, international trade, and the effects of fiscal and monetary policy on economic growth. In addition, students will learn about how federal and local government economic policy actions affect income, unemployment, and inflation. Throughout the course students will analyze graphs, charts, data, historic trends, and current events to explain economic concepts.
AP Macroeconomics is a full year course and the students are required to take The AP Macroeconomics exam in May. Assessments for the class will include long term projects, weekly assignments, and a variety of summative and formative assessments that reflect the format of the AP Macroeconomics examination.
This course is open to 12th grade students who show interest in the subject and are committed to exploring the inner workings of the United States economy using the lens of macroeconomics.
This course will meet the 12th grade Social Studies requirements for graduation.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: None
This course analyzes psychological theories relating to aggression and criminal violence; this course focuses on the incidence and forms of violent criminal behavior in all types of surroundings. The units of study will include: historical, medical and developmental and cultural perspectives in psychology, gang and school violence, hate crimes, violence against and by women, serial murders and the impact of media on crime.
Selected students will have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through the Long Island University High School Scholars Program. for this course and ½ unit of [high school credit]
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Successful completion of 10th and 11th grade social studies classes
World Languages
The World Languages program is designed to meet the needs of students who demonstrate varying levels of proficiency. Unusual language experience or aptitude could accelerate language acquisition; therefore, the Language Department continuously evaluates students to ensure proper pacing and placement.
The study of foreign languages is an integral part of secondary education. It is clear that in today’s global society, proficiency in a foreign language will be necessary in order to face the difficult challenge of our contemporary world. The increasing interdependence of all nations, the sensitivity of international relations and international trade have created a crucial need for foreign language proficiency.
The World Languages Department offers courses in five languages. Mandarin Chinese, French, Hebrew, Latin, and Spanish are offered in three, four, and five unit sequences.
Spanish students will take a final examination at the end of grade 8. A determination will be made based on the final course grade as to whether students will be recommended for the three-year Regents equivalency sequence or the four-year Regents equivalency sequence. Those students approved for the three-year Regents equivalency sequence will take the Regents equivalency exam at the end of the tenth grade. Students approved for the four-year Regents equivalency sequence will take the Regents equivalency exam at the end of 11th grade. Generally, students who start their first foreign language in the ninth grade will be in the four-year Regents equivalency sequence.
A chart below identifies typical sequences of study for students of varying ability levels in foreign language
6, 7,8 |
9, 10*, 11/11H, 12/AP 1, 9, 10, 11 |
6, 7, 8
9, 10*, 11/11H, 12/AP I, 9, 10*, 11/H |
6, 7, 8 |
9, 10*, 11/11H, 12/12H I, 9, 10*, 11 10*, 11/11H, 12/12H Seminar |
6,7,8 |
9,10*, 11/11H, 12/AP I, 9, 10*, 11/H |
6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 I I |
9, 10*, 11, 12 9, 10*, 11H, AP II, 9, 10*, 12 II, III, IV, 12 I, II, 9, 10* I, II, III, IV* I, 9, 10*, 11H or 12 |
*Regents equivalency Examination is administered at the end of this course
CHINESE (Mandarin)
This is a foundation course for the student with little or no background in Mandarin dialect and/or reading knowledge of Chinese characters. The basics of pronunciation, simple conversation, and character writing will be introduced. Students will study Chinese culture.
1 unit of credit No prerequisite
A continuation of Chinese I, with further development of both conversational and reading skills. Appreciation for Chinese culture continues to be developed.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Chinese 1 or Chinese 8
This course seeks to develop more advanced speaking and writing skills in Mandarin. Chinese culture will also be explored. This course will culminate in a comprehensive exam, which fulfills the NYS Regents requirement.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Chinese 9
This course will continue to develop all four language skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Special attention will be paid to the study of traditional and modern Chinese culture as well as the study of characters. Chinese 11H is essentially the first half of an extended AP curriculum that culminates with the AP Exam taken in the subsequent year. Students choosing not to explore this path (Chinese 11) will have a modified curriculum, differentiated so that the student may continue their language study and acquisition in Chinese.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Chinese 10 and Department recommendation
This course develops a high level of proficiency in Chinese. Conversational ability is directed toward extended discourse, comprehension of texts on a wide variety of topics, and competent reaction orally and in writing to materials presented for listening and reading.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Chinese 11H and Department recommendation
This is a beginning audio-lingual course which emphasizes basic communication skills in the foreign language. It is an introduction to French culture.
1 unit of credit No prerequisite
This course is designed for students who began their study of French in grade 6, completed French grade 8, or completed French I as a second foreign language. While the development of audio-lingual skills continues to be stressed, increasing emphasis is placed on the acquisition of proficiency in reading and writing. Cultural study will be enlarged with selected materials from contemporary magazines, short stories, poems and visuals.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: French in grade 8 or French I
Designed for students who have successfully completed French 9. Language concepts will move from the concrete to the abstract. Students will continue to develop audio-lingual skills while reading and writing will be stressed on a more advanced level. Cultural understanding will evolve with increasing mastery of the language.
Selected issues on contemporary French society will be discussed with the aid of periodicals and newspapers. Students must take the Regents equivalency Examination at the end of French 10.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: French 9
This course will continue to develop all four language skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Special attention will be paid to linguistic, cultural, historical and contemporary aspects of francophone civilization. French 11H is essentially the first half of an extended AP curriculum that culminates with the AP Exam taken in the subsequent year. Students choosing not to explore this path (French 11) will have a modified curriculum, differentiated so that the student may continue their language study and acquisition in French.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: French 10 and Department recommendation
This course is specifically designed as an advanced conversation course in French. Problems of contemporary society will be discussed through the study of selected essays by significant writers, sociologists and journalists of modern France.
French television programs, films, as well as a variety of audio-lingual materials will be utilized to foster individual oral mastery of the French language.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: French 11
You should consider taking A.P. French Language if you have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of the language and a high degree of competence in listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing. The abilities to think critically and to do literary analysis are necessary for success in the course. The prospective A.P. student should have an "A" average in all previous courses. In addition, you must be able to do independent study outside the classroom for utilization in class. A willingness to concentrate on developing a greater degree of proficiency, an ability to give oral reports and constant daily participation in class are requisites.
Over the summer, prior to the start of the A.P. course, you will be expected to do readings, write papers and record your speaking. During the year, you will be required to submit various papers, and oral presentations. You must be prepared to complete a minimum of six - eight hours of preparation outside the classroom per week and to complete the reading and writing assignments.
You will be prepared and required to take the A.P. exam in May. Grades will be determined solely on the mastery of the A.P. curriculum.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: French 11H and Department recommendation.
Those not receiving the department recommendation will be required to meet with counselor, chairperson of the Foreign Language Department, and parents to ensure full awareness of the high level of commitment and skill required to succeed in French A.P.
This is a foundation course for the student with little or no background in Hebrew. Emphasis will be on the development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
1 unit of credit No prerequisite
A continuation of Hebrew I. In addition to more advanced grammar and word study, emphasis will be placed on oral comprehension exercises of intermediate difficulty. Selected and adapted works related to Israeli culture will be read.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Hebrew I, 8 or departmental approval
A thorough review of spoken and written contemporary Hebrew and introduction to classical Hebrew structures will be made. Continued development of oral fluency and the ability to read extensively will be stressed. Cultural studies will include readings, lectures and reports on classical and contemporary mores. The Regents equivalency Examination will be required at the end of this course.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Hebrew 9 or departmental approval
This course will explore Israeli culture through the use of dialogues, interviews and library/internet sources. Students will be able to choose those areas of interest to them; i.e., Israeli poetry including Amichai and Rachel, literature, current events, or journal articles. Individual reports and papers will be required. Some contemporary Israeli films will be studied and discussed.
Continued emphasis will be placed on all language skills at an advanced level.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Hebrew 10 or departmental approval
A continuation of Hebrew 11/11H, this course will be offered to students who are interested in studying the different aspects of Israeli life through problem solving techniques. Contemporary authors, newspapers, periodicals, and films will be studied in this course. Emphasis will be placed on oral performance in the foreign language at a level of sophistication appropriate to advanced study.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Hebrew 11 or departmental approval
This course will be offered to students having successfully completed Hebrew 12. Works of several major contemporary authors and thematic studies of Israeli culture will be selected by students. In addition, students will be expected to do numerous oral and written projects during each semester. Independent projects will be authorized and planned cooperatively with the teacher.
1 unit of credit
This introductory course is designed for students interested in learning Latin and its culture, including mythology and Roman history. Students will strengthen their knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar, important components of standardized testing, such as the SAT exams.
1 unit of credit No prerequisite
This course is a continuation of Latin 8 or Latin I. Emphasis is placed on vocabulary acquisition, translation, the principals of grammar and syntax, reading and writing, and etymology. A survey of Classical Mythology as well as an overview of Ancient Roman history is also covered. Class projects include writing and performing a one-act play based on a myth as well as contributing comics, riddles, and poems to the Latin magazine. Text: Latin Via Ovid
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Latin I/8
This course, an anthology of Roman authors, will review all elementary and advanced grammar, as well as introduce syntax particular to certain writers. Emphasis is placed on reading comprehension and translation. Readings include selections both from the prose of Caesar, Livy, Cicero, Sallust, and from the poetry of Ovid, Catullus, and Vergil. A detailed survey of Roman Republican and Imperial politics will also be covered. Class projects include a mock trial of Brutus. This course will culminate in a comprehensive exam, which fulfills the NYS Regents requirement.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Latin 9
LATIN 11/11H
This course is a continuation of Latin 10. Emphasis is put on poetry and Latin poetics, as exhibited in the work of Catullus, Vergil and Ovid. Advanced study of Latin grammar and syntax is a significant component of this course. Students will be introduced to aspects of the AP curriculum. Students choosing not to explore a path which culminates in the AP exam in the subsequent year (Latin 11) will have a modified curriculum, differentiated so that the student may continue their language study and acquisition in Latin.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Latin 10
A detailed study of an author or two with emphasis on the translation and interpretation of selections from Latin poetry. About two thousand lines are required to be read and understood. Topics covered include literary criticism, meter, grammar, and literary devices. An ability to translate about thirty lines per night and to write brief, clear essays that explain any aspect of the passages are vital to success. Passages must be prepared nightly and reviewed during class.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Latin 11H and Department Recommendation
Prerequisite: Hebrew 12 or departmental approval
An introductory level language course which emphasizes the development of the four language skills: ability to speak, understand, read and write elementary Spanish. Introduction to Spanish culture. This course is for students who have no previous experience with Spanish.
1 unit of credit No prerequisite
This course is open to students who have successfully completed one year of Spanish and who have been recommended for the four-year Regents equivalency sequence. An audio-lingual approach is used with additional emphasis in reading and writing skills. Cultural study will be enlarged with selected materials from short stories, magazines, visuals, and student oral presentations.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish I or Spanish 8
This course is designed for students who began their study of Spanish in Grade 6, completed Spanish 8 and scored high in the placement exam in Grade 8 or completed Spanish II. While the development of audio-lingual skills continues to be stressed, increasing emphasis is placed on the acquisition of proficiency in reading and writing. Cultural study will be enlarged with selected reading materials and visuals.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish 8/II
The practice of skills is continued, while more emphasis is placed on reading and writing than previously. Students' interests are considered in selection of conversational topics and reading materials. Authentic texts, videos, and podcasts are used to familiarize students with modern life in Spanish speaking countries. This Spanish class uses comprehension-based methods of language instruction. Spanish language and culture are taught simultaneously in order for students to develop cultural understanding while building proficiency.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish 8/II
Spanish 10 prepares students for the Regents equivalency exam at the end of the year. This class combines students who have successfully completed Spanish 9. All four language skills are emphasized-listening, speaking, reading and writing. The curriculum also focuses on the culture and literature of all Spanish speaking countries. This course will culminate in a comprehensive exam, which fulfills the NYS Regents requirement.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish 9
Spanish IV prepares students for the Regents equivalency exam at the end of the year. The course consists of thematic units selected according to the New York State syllabus. They serve to increase conversational abilities, and the ability to write and to read. This Spanish class uses comprehension-based methods of language instruction. Spanish language and culture are taught simultaneously in order for students to develop cultural understanding while building proficiency.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish 9/III
SPANISH 11 (Dual enrollment option)
This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish 10/IV. Students will continue to develop their communication skills in a curriculum based on their interests and preferences. Individual and group projects will be assigned regularly. Please note that students not pursuing the AP program may register for this course. *Students will have the option to earn college credit through a local university.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish 10/IV
Spanish 11H is essentially the first half of an extended AP curriculum that culminates with the AP Exam taken in the subsequent year. This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish 10 and have intentions of continuing to Spanish AP. Continued emphasis will be placed on conversational and syntactical skills, and on usage and understanding of the Spanish language. Linguistic, cultural, and literary aspects of Hispanic civilization will be explored and conversational proficiency will be emphasized.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish 10, minimum of 90 average for course, 90 on Regents equivalency Exam and Department recommendation
SPANISH 12 (Dual enrollment option)
This course is designed to continue the development of all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing at an advanced level. Spanish 12 will include units of study in Hispanic history, politics and customs. Films, newspapers, and magazines articles will be used to enhance cultural awareness, as well as to improve language proficiency. Students will also analyze and create original works and develop projects. Please note that students not pursuing the AP program may register for this course. *Students will have the option to earn college credit through a local university.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish 11/11H or Spanish10/IV, if enrolling as a senior.
You should consider taking A.P. Spanish if you have a firm mastery of auditory comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills. The abilities to think critically and to do literary analysis are necessary for success in this course. The prospective student for A.P. Spanish should have an "A" average in all previous Spanish courses. In addition, you must be able to do independent study outside of class for utilization within the classroom. A willingness and an ability to give oral presentations in front of the class and constant daily participation in class are requisites.
You will be required to have assignments turned in on time and to be prepared daily. Assignments are given well in advance and it is your responsibility to organize your time wisely. You must be prepared to spend from six-to eight hours of outside preparation per week to adequately complete all reading and writing assignments. You will be required to prepare for and take the A.P. exam in May. The difficulty of the exam is equivalent to the third year of foreign language study at the university level. A summer reading will be assigned with an essay and packet due the first day of school.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: Spanish 11H and Department recommendation*
*Those not receiving the department recommendation will be required to meet with counselor, chairperson of the Foreign Language Department, and parents to ensure full awareness of the high level of commitment and skill required to succeed in A.P. Spanish.
Special Education
All students who receive special education service are classified by the Committee on Special Education. Special education programs are designed to meet each student’s individual educational needs. North High School offers the following special education programs.
Special education teachers provide instruction in small class setting with a maximum of five students per period. Instruction is individualized for each student depending on his/her specific educational goals. The goal of resource room support is for students to learn compensatory strategies and study skills in order to enable them to succeed in Regents level classes.
Inclusion classes are Regents level classes in which students with disabilities are integrated with general education students. The special education students receive academic support through the presence of a special education teacher in the class and through participation in an alternate-day support class, often taught by the same special education teacher. In the academic support classes, students review important concepts and vocabulary to increase comprehension and application of concepts.
Self-contained special education classes in English, social studies, math, and science are designed for classified students who demonstrate a need for greater support in a classroom with a smaller student/teacher ratio. These classes are aligned with the Regents curriculum and prepare students for the required Regents exam in each of the core subject areas. The goals of each self-contained class is to balance the rigors of a Regents curriculum, yet still provide students with additional academic support and a level of instruction that is individualized to meet the learning style of each student.
The speech and language program provides services for classified students who exhibit communication and language processing difficulties. Support is provided in the areas of receptive and expressive language with a focus on content area curriculum and pragmatic language.
This program is tailored to support students with limited abilities by addressing both their academic and career development needs. It provides functional academics alongside career exploration, vocational training, and community-based employment opportunities.
Functional life skills are essential for navigating everyday life. These skills include activities of daily living (ADLs), community involvement, social interactions, and workplace readiness.
The purpose of the Transition Program is to give young adults who have completed their high school experience the skills, tools, and support necessary to increase functional life skills to achieve post-secondary success.
Study Skills - Academic Assistance Services
The Study Skills Center offers classes for all grades and addresses a wide range of abilities. Students receive help with their academic course work in which they are struggling. Pre-teaching and review are included in instruction. Emphasis is placed on reading comprehension of materials in all curriculum. Skills and instructional strategies are addressed in the context of the content material. Skills that are addressed are those necessary for success in all classes. These skills include: time management and organizational skills, test taking strategies, detail writing from expository material, the use of interpreting graphics and visual aids (such as webs, cause -effect, charts and outlines), vocabulary development, critical reading/writing/thinking, and thematic document-based essay writing.
This course can be taken for one semester or the full year.
Grading is on a Pass/Fail basis. No prerequisite
English as a New Language (ENL)
These courses are specifically designed for those students who are learning English as a new language. An English as a New Language [ENL] teacher will assure that English language learners (ELLs) are provided opportunities to achieve the same educational goals and standards as the general student population.
The English as a New Language program is offered at multiple levels designed to develop skills in understanding, speaking, reading, writing and communicating in English. Content area instruction in English is supported by ENL methodologies employed in a systematic and structured way.
Placement into classes in the ENL Program is based upon results of either the New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL) or the New York State English as a New Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT). The (NYSITELL) is administered only ONCE to a student upon arrival into a public school in New York State and is used to identify a student’s eligibility for ENL services. All incoming students who live in a home where a language other the English is spoken, as confirmed by the Home Language Survey, are tested upon admission to a public school in New York State.
Every spring, students who are classified as English Language Learners (ELLs) must take the NYSESLAT exam to measure their growth in the four English Language Skills from year to year. The scores on the NYSESLAT indicate the proficiency level the student has achieved each year and determine placement in ENL classes for the following fall semester. NYSESLAT proficiency levels are Entering, Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding and Commanding. Within each level there are degrees of ability. The subdivisions of each proficiency level describe the spectrum of proficiency and growth more realistically than an aggregate description of the level. Even if a student scores at the Commanding Level in each of the four language skills to exit the ENL program, he/she may take an advanced level ENL course as transitional support upon recommendation or self-selection.
This course is designed for entering level ENL students with little or no proficiency in English. Registration is required for students who are recommended by the English Language Learners team.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: ELL Team approval
This course is designed for ENL students who have basic interpersonal communicative skills in English but need to develop their academic language proficiency in English. Registration is required for students who are recommended by the English Language Learners team.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: ELL Team approval
This course is designed for ENL students to further strengthen their academic language proficiency in English in order to be successful in all content-area classes.
Registration is required for students who are recommended by the English Language Learners team. All classes will meet one period daily for one year.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite: ELL Team approval
ENL English I
This is a course designed to address literacy and language skills for Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE). Through individualized and small group instruction, this ENL English course is designed to expose students to fundamental vocabulary, sentence structure, and reading for basic comprehension.
This course is offered as a one-time English class to prepare an ENL student for entrance into a comprehensive Regents level course. Through individualized and small group instruction, this ENL English class will provide ENL students with opportunities to read, write, discuss, and relate to various literary genres such as short stories, poems, novels, and plays
1 unit of English credit Prerequisite: Department approval
This course prepares ENL students for entrance into a comprehensive Regents level course. Through individualized and small group instruction, this class will provide ENL students with opportunities to read, write, discuss, and relate to various literary genres such as short stories, poems, novels, and plays.
1 credit of English Prerequisite: Departmental approval
This course is designed to prepare ENL students for the English Language Arts Regents in 11th or 12th grade. As a standalone course, ELLs have individualized instruction to practice effective test taking strategies and improve their overall understanding of the English language through the assessment’s three core components.
This course covers topics that will help students build a math foundation to be successful in Algebra 1 the following year.
1 credit of Mathematics Prerequisite: Departmental approval
This course follows the NYS Living Environment curriculum. It also involves biochemistry, molecular biology, and the anatomy and physiology of living organisms. Students taking this course must possess average reading skills and some knowledge of chemistry concepts. Vocabulary is an important part of the curriculum and students will learn many new terms, take notes regularly, perform lab investigations, and write lab reports. To be successful, students will need to spend a minimum of two hours per week on homework and preparation outside of the classroom. The course will culminate with the Living Environment Regents exam in June and students must complete 1200 minutes of laboratory work as a prerequisite to sit for the Regents exam.
1 credit in Science Prerequisite: Departmental approval
This course is a two-year course designed for ENL students and culminates with the Global History and Geography Regents Examination. Students will work with primary and secondary source documents to develop reading, writing, and analytical skills.
1 credit of Social Studies Prerequisite: Departmental approval
This course meets on alternating days and is for ENL students Levels 1 & 2 for added support in conjunction with ENL Global 9/10. Entrance to the course is based on teacher recommendation.
This is a one-year course designed for ENL students and culminates with the US History Regents Examination. Students will work with primary and secondary source documents to develop 11th grade US History reading, writing, and analysis skills.
1 credit of Social Studies Prerequisite: Department approval
In this course, students have the opportunity to complete in-class assignments, projects, homework, and other tasks from their daily courses with support from the ENL teacher as needed.
Humanities is an integrated team-taught English and Social Studies course designed especially for newcomers to Great Neck. The course is taught by three duly certified teachers- in ENL and English/Social Studies. The Humanities Class is a double period of daily instruction for ENL students at the Entering or Emerging proficiency levels. This double period offers students project-based learning activities to develop understanding of both English and Social Studies concepts while simultaneously developing the four language skills in English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. This course prepares students for subsequent courses in English and Social Studies. The Humanities class employs a multidisciplinary approach to learning and incorporates technology, hands-on learning activities in music and art, and field trips.
1 credit of English and 1 credit of Social Studies Prerequisite: Departmental approval
Independent Study
CONDITIONS FOR INDEPENDENT STUDY- Independent Study is available to students for two reasons
1. To enable a student to undertake the study of a subject which is not offered in the school curriculum; e.g., Italian and Dance.
2. To enable a student to take a course, we do offer which he or she is not able to incorporate into his/her regular schedule because of a conflict.
1. Independent study (I.S.) can only be initiated during a current school year, not before.
2. In-House/District sponsors only (may not be a paid sponsor).
3. Course of study is not to meet state mandated required non-academic courses.
4. Independent Study can be undertaken for enrichment or credit.
a. One-half credit may be granted if the student starts and completes the program in one semester.
b. One full credit may be granted for a full year study.
5. Deadlines for Applications:
a. Fall Semester by September 19, 2025
b. Spring Semester by February 6, 2026.
6. If a student, after starting an I.S. program, decides to drop the I.S., the administrative regulations concerning the drop of the courses (and dates) will be in effect.
7. All physical education independent studies must meet regulations established by the physical education department.
8. I.S. may not be used in lieu of sixth course in schedule.
9. We realize, as educators, that we need flexibility in applying rules. However, all special circumstances will be considered in keeping with the spirit of these guidelines.
10. Appeals can be made to the Independent Study Director, Ms. Amanda Reilly in the Guidance Office
1. A student who is considering I.S. must secure a sponsor - a qualified teacher who is willing to guide, supervise and direct the study.
2. The student completes the application that requires the signatures of sponsor, student, parent and department chairperson.
3. Submit the completed application to Ms. Reilly.
4. If everything is in order, approval will be granted upon satisfaction of ALL of the above requirements.
1. Sponsors must provide a course outline.
2. There must be an ongoing evaluation with credible methods: portfolio assessment, tests, research papers, etc.
3. Weekly instructional sessions (consider a weekly log related to Independent Study)
4. Grading: Pass/Fail -Graded Evaluation with approval of Sponsor, Department Chair, Independent Study Director, and respective A.P.
Career Training Program
Our career training program provides for a variety of learning experiences. Specific program selection should be made consistent with the student’s interests, aptitudes, and career plans. It is recommended that students interested in career training confer with their guidance counselors, before making a selection.
Nassau Tech. (B.O.C.E.S.) offers technical or vocational training in more than 50 occupations at any one of their 6 area centers.
Students selecting this program can earn 4 school credits per year. Each student spends 1/2 day (A.M. or P.M.) at a Nassau Tech Center. The remaining 1/2 day is devoted to study in elective or required subjects for graduation.
Transportation to and from the Nassau Tech Center is provided by the Great Neck School System.
Participation in the B.O.C.E.S. program does not preclude the opportunity for post-high school training or education. Many community colleges have designed their curriculum so that those desiring to learn more about their chosen field may do so upon completion of a Nassau Tech (B.O.C.E.S) program.
A partial list of Nassau Tech (B.O.C.E.S) courses appears on next page. For additional course listings and/or information see your guidance counselor.
Business/Information Services
Office Assistant Skills
Retail & Business Skills
Human and Public Services
Baking & Pastry Arts
Barbering Technician
Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement Administration
Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education
Nail & Waxing Technician
Teacher Aide Preparation
Arts and Humanities
Animation & Digital Design Skills
Audio Production
Computer Game Design & Programming Skills
Fashion Design Technology & Merchandising
Video Production and Digital Film Making
Health Services
Dental Assisting
Health Skills
Medical Assisting
Medical Laboratory Technician Assistant
Nurse Assisting
Personal Trainer-Exercise Medicine
Physical Therapy Aide
Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Animal Care
Animal Care Skills
Horse Science and Management
Horticultural Technology
Veterinary Science
Engineering Technologies
Auto Collision Technician
Auto Skills
Automotive Technology
Aviation Operations
Computer Technology
Construction Electricity
Construction Trades Skills
Network Cabling Technician/Home Technology Integration (HTI)
Powersports and Small Engine Repair
Community School
“Satisfaction is a Function of Participation”
Founded in 1971 as an alternative to traditional education, the Community School is a highly selective three-year program whose mission is to encourage students to take a more active role in the learning process. Discussion-based classes stress individualism, student participation, and mutual respect. In addition to academic courses, students meet daily to plan events that build leadership skills and a sense of responsibility to a community. Seniors in the program are offered an opportunity to plan a semester of travel or career exploration in a contemplated field of study as a practical “hands-on” experience.
“…a place where you can be a student and a teacher at the same time…”
Small, heterogeneous courses in English and Social Studies bring together sophomores, juniors, and seniors, enabling students to relate to and learn from each other in a much closer way than is possible in the traditional classroom setting. Though the setting is nontraditional, the classes are intellectually rigorous and demanding. The program’s selective application process ensures that sophomores are able to handle 12th grade material and are committed to “learning for learning’s sake.”
Because classes are small, they rely more heavily on student participation than on teacher lecture. Students are encouraged to go beyond the traditional and often suggest topics, books, and ideas for class study. In English, an AP seminar is offered for juniors and seniors who want to supplement their curriculum with college-level material.
Very often a Community School student will receive “P” or a letter grade without a numerical equivalent. The absence of either a letter or number is not a reflection of lack of quality work, but rather a statement of commitment to the spirit of non-competitive participation.
“…CS has made me become friends with people I would never have met otherwise…”
One of the difficulties in defining the Community School is determining what C.S. students are; they range from athletes to scientists, musicians to scholars, school officers to poets. Perhaps the only characteristics common to all students is a willingness to take chances and to seek alternatives. A C.S. student is a dedicated and committed learner and an active member of the community.
The Community School prides itself on maintaining an open and diverse atmosphere, not only in ideas but in people. Students typically walk out of C.S. having made friends with classmates with whom they would not necessarily have associated.
“…a place where you and your ideas are taken seriously…”
The entire C.S. meets daily for one period to create and coordinate events, activities, and field trips designed to build community and promote teamwork. This planning fosters leadership, as students are given the opportunity to take on responsibilities for projects they have initiated.
For instance, students break into committees to organize a three-day trip to a camp in upstate New York. These students are responsible for a myriad of activities, from assigning rooms that encourage new friendships, to preparing and running a community-wide talent show. Through this process, students learn to be respectful of diverse ideas within a group while effectively communicating their own convictions. Unity resulting from not only planning these events but participating in them strengthens the student’s ability to accept divergent viewpoints.
“…discovering you in the real world…”
One of the unique features of the Community School program is the fieldmester. During the last semester of their senior year, students are given an opportunity to experience the “real world” by interning in a field of their choice. In the past, students have participated in archaeological digs in Spain, helped restore a building in France, assisted in schools and in special education programs, worked on research programs at major hospitals, interned at television and radio programs, apprenticed at theater companies, etc. Each year students are encouraged to develop a unique program geared toward their own interests. Students keep a journal of their activities and return in mid-May to share their experience with the rest of the Community School.