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Thespian Society (Troupe 201)

Thespian Logo
Junior Players is affiliated with the International Thespian Society, a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA), which is an honorary organization for high school and middle school theatre students. There are ITS troupes at more than 4,900 affiliated schools around the world. The Society’s mission is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. Students earn induction by participating in an affiliated school’s theatre program and accumulating points based on the quality and quantity of their work in theatre. High school inductees are known as Thespians.

Thespians receive the highest recognition due to those who have demonstrated commitment and excellence in their school’s theatre program—induction into the world’s largest theatre honor society. In addition to the many tangible benefits listed below, inductees enjoy the sense of community and recognition inherent in being inducted into an honor society. ITS membership and its system of progressive honors and recognition encourages them to practice their craft and to grow as a person. The 21st-century skills that they learn from a quality theatre arts education—creativity, self-confidence, leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, as well as specific theatre skills—will benefit them throughout school and beyond, no matter what field they choose to pursue. Visit the EdTA website for more info.

Meetings all take place in room 119 right after school, and are announced in the Junior Players Google Classroom.
They are open to all interested students. Membership is available to all eligible cast and crew.

15 Star National Honor Thespian - 150 Points

Nina Zar


11 Star Honor Thespian - 110 Points

Emily Hyman


10 Star Honor Thespian - 100 Points

Kylie Hoffman


8 Star Honor Thespian - 80 Points

Daliah Segal


7 Star Honor Thespian - 70 Points

Joy Huang

Anna Goldman

Clara Goldman

Samuel Friedmann


Honor Thespian - 60 Points

Dean Campodonico

Talia Lana Elyaho


4 Star Thespian - 40 points

Owen Flood

William Benjamin

Gabe Bergman

Rachel Gabo


3 Star Thespian - 30 points

Sabrina Livian


2 Star Thespian - 20 points

Antonio Kawai



All students, including those working towards their membership honors, should email their ITS Points Sheet quarterly to Mr. Giordano. Students must fill out the whole sheet completely and correctly for their points to be considered. Please note point sheets are due by the end of the school day. See below for the 2023-2024 school year dates.
Point Sheet Due Dates
December 12, 2023 - Fall Points Due
February 28, 2024 - Winter Points Due
April 24, 2024 - Spring Points Due
May 21, 2024 - End of Year Points Due
(Google Spreadsheet - Make a copy of the file to keep track.)